Fortnite Jetpack Glitch Gives Unfair Advantage in Floor is Lava Tournament Mode

As a general rule, there’s a lot going on in Fortnite at any one time. Right now, players are scrambling to get the Predator skin while they can, but that’s not all that’s worth noting.

A recent change in Fortnite re-introduced an old game mode making a triumphant return: The Floor is Lava. This mode was first introduced in 2019 and is exactly what it says on the tin: no main solid land mass, just lava and some places that aren’t. As fun as the game mode is, a few players are changing the rules with an exploit that lets jetpacks fly forever.

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When The Floor is Lava was originally teased, it promised something simple: never-ending rising lava. The lava constantly eats up footing, rising higher as the match progresses and forcing players to seek high-ground, rooftops, or self-built platforms and staircases. However, the introduction of jetpacks into the mix has changed things. Ordinarily limited in their use, one enterprising player has found and shared a way to make them last forever. If a jetpack is activated just as players hit the lava and take damage from it, the player will shoot into the sky with a never-ending jetpack boost.

So long as the jetpack is kept on, players will float comfortably at the top of the arena. This makes taking pot shots at players below with long-range weaponry like sniper rifles or rocket launchers an absolute breeze. This wouldn’t be so bad except for one tiny thing: players really want to complete The Floor is Lava right now. It’s the primary way to unlock the new Grefg skin added to the game in honor of the Twitch streamer. With a cheat this game breaking in a mode frequented by many as part of a promotion, odds are Epic will step in and rectify the bug soon.

TheGrefg has long been a Fortnite streamer, and a very popular one too. He recently broke the Twitch viewership record while playing Fortnite, a record that had previously been held by Fortnite legend Ninja. With an accolade like that, it’s no shock that players are scrambling for the skin.

Bugs like this are fairly common in Fortnite, and while funny for a time, are often patched out quickly once Epic gets word of them. Indeed, Epic has not slowed its roll despite its ongoing legal dispute with Apple. The most recent development saw Apple accuse Epic Games of using its customers as pawns. It’s certainly worth thinking about, though players will ultimately have to determine for themselves whether or not their actions merit pawn status.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Fortnite: How to Complete All Season 5 Week 7 Challenges


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