Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: How to Get Tech Attack 2 | Game Rant

Tech Attacks are powerful moves in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game, and players will need to fulfill certain criteria in order to unlock them. For Tech Attack 1, that criteria is simply reaching Level 16, and that is something that fans will inevitably do through standard gameplay. Things do get slightly more complicated with Tech Attack 2 in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game, though, and this guide is here to detail exactly how that move is obtained.

To put things simply, Tech Attack 2 is unlocked by purchasing Special Training from Mobile’s Secret House shop. To find this shop, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World players must enter Level 6 and proceed past the key that is lodged into the anvil near the stage’s beginning. Fans should then be on the lookout for a group of four NPCs standing at the top of the screen, and passing through the gap in the trees between the second and third character will lead players to the shop.

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With respect to the Special Training that is sold at this secret shop, the item costs a total of $57.50. While many players will undoubtedly have enough cash in their wallets to easily buy the relevant training at this stage of the game, that may not be the case for absolutely everyone. Fortunately, there is an infinite money cheat in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which players that are low on funds may want to consider using here.

After obtaining the Special Training from Mobile’s Secret House shop in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, players will be able to use Tech Attack 2 by pressing Down + Triangle on PlayStation, Down + Y on Xbox, and Down + X on Switch. When playing as Scott, these inputs will unleash a forward-moving punch that can be a very useful offensive tool. Indeed, while unlocking Tech Attack 2 is not requisite, fans should find the move to be quite helpful as they work to complete this beat-’em-up.

To note, Tech Attacks are not the only unlockables in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, as there are some special characters that players can earn as well. Perhaps the most desirable of these characters is NegaScott, and fans will need to complete the game with Scott, Stephen, Ramona and Kim before they can take him into battle. While this process can feel slightly tedious, the power of NegaScott when utilizing his two Tech Attacks may justify the effort it takes to unlock him.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game is available for PC, PS4, Stadia, Switch, and Xbox One.

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