Apex Legends Dev Suggests A Horizon Nerf is On the Way

Apex Legends Season 7 introduced the Scottish gravitational manipulator, Horizon, who has quickly risen to the top of the character tier list. Horizon’s upbeat personality, entertaining voice lines, and extremely powerful abilities have made her a fan-favorite legend in Season 7. However, with Season 8 around the corner, Horizon may be in for a large nerf due to an interesting statistic revealed by Apex Legends.

Wraith has been the most-picked character in Apex Legends for most of the game’s existence. Wraith has dominated the pick rate, win rate, and win encounter rate in every skill level including competitive. However, Wraith has passed her crown to Horizon, who is now the leader in overall win rate. Horizon’s abilities give her a combination of fast movement, quick escapes, positioning advantages, and crowd control. Although Horizon just received a nerf during the Fight Night Collection Event, Apex Legends live balance designer John Larson has indicated that another nerf is in Horizon’s future.

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Horizon’s first nerf in the Fight Night Collection Event patch effectively increased her Grav Lift tactical ability cooldown from 16 seconds to 21 seconds, but that hasn’t seemed to slow down her domination in most matches. The Grav Lift ability gives players many options how to utilize it. Players can use it to gain a height advantage, use it for a quick movement boost similar to Octane’s jump pad, or even use it offensively to throw off enemy movements. According to Larson, her tactical ability may be targeted again for another nerf, but will try to avoid major changes.

Larson revealed the tentative plan to nerf Horizon in a reply to a Reddit post claiming that Horizon is bound to get the Pathfinder and Wraith treatment since she is now the top character for win rate. Larson reveals that Horizon and Wraith are very close in encounter win rate, but that Horizon was intended to be a very powerful character upon release due to many of the other characters being underpowered during their release.

Although the nerf is still being tested, Larson lists options to tweak Horizon’s tactical ability, stating, “Looking at her tactical alone there are all sorts of dials we can turn including vertical lift speed, horizontal speed/acceleration, ejection speed/time, cool down, weapon accuracy, and the list goes on.”

Horizon’s recent nerf was quickly added to the Fight Night Collection patch after controversy surrounding an intended Caustic buff. After facing a substantial amount of backlash from the community, Caustic’s buff was removed the day of the patch’s release and replaced with Horizon’s nerf. However, with Season 8 around the corner, Horizon may experience two nerfs within one month, which may upset many Horizon mains.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with Switch and mobile versions currently in development.

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Source: Reddit


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