Call of Duty: Warzone Team Sets Insane New Kill Record

On any given day, Call of Duty: Warzone content on YouTube or Twitch features unreal play from both well-known Call of Duty professionals and up-and-coming streamers. There is never a shortage of content for viewers to watch, but one record in Call of Duty: Warzone has not been broken since May of last year, and that is the quads kill record.

There are a number of reasons why the quads kill record has been hard to top in Call of Duty: Warzone. First, there is a degree of luck required to rack up a high kill game. If the gas circle starts by closing in on a tight quadrant of the map, players scramble to make it to safety and the lobby of 150 dies quickly. One team can’t do all the clean up work. Another factor is what the current weapon meta is in Warzone. The recent DMR-14 meta featured a weapon so overpowered that in the right hands could decimate a lobby quickly.

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Loaded up with DMR-14s and Mac-10s, the squad of TheMylesLive, JerK, ScummN, and Stukawaki has toppled the quads kill record of 138 by setting a new benchmark of 143 kills in one match. The record was achieved a few days ago, but has just started making waves in the community. The incredible kill total includes 48 from Stukawaki alone, as the foursome shreds through the lobby. Any record broken in Warzone is hit with accusations of reverse boosting or manipulation of the skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) algorithm, and this one is no exception, which is unfortunate.

The emergence of websites that track the quality of lobbies players find themselves in has created a great deal of controversy in the Call of Duty: Warzone community. Even big name streamers like Symfuhny can’t escape accusations when he finds himself in a few more “bronze lobbies” than other players. Examining someone’s lobby data and then dismissing their accomplishment if they have a good game in an easier lobby is more than a little petty.

Perhaps this toxicity wouldn’t be so rampant if Activision was more forthcoming about how its SBMM algorithm works, or was more proactive with removing cheaters from the game by developing some kind of anti-cheat. While cheaters are being de-platformed from Twitch, a number of Warzone players using blatant hacks are showing up on Facebook Gaming.

Regardless of whether the lobby in this record-breaking quad kill game was bronze or diamond, 143 kills in one match is impressive. Setting records like this will be much more of a challenge if the Stim glitch makes another return to Warzone. Reaching the highest of highs will be tough when players are hiding in the gas.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone Site Lets Players Check Matchmaking Rank


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