Players in Watch Dogs take part in the fight against cTOS as a DedSec operative, saving civilians from the oppressive surveillance system and its agents. However, Ubisoft‘s Watch Dogs Legion takes this concept to the next level. This time, players expand DedSec into London, and this time they can recruit all of its citizens into DedSec’s cause. Essentially, players have 9-million potential agents to recruit and dismantle cTOS in the huge city.
However, players interested in exploring London can discover more secrets lurking in the city’s eight boroughs. Moreover, some eagle-eyed fans might also end up discovering amazing hidden items just waiting for discovery. However, just which hidden items should players look into for their exploration?
10 Egyptian Artifact

Amongst Legion‘s Relics, perhaps the Egyptian Artifact is the only one who deserves such a title. After collecting its pieces, players will see the magnificence that is a figurine standing in the iconic “Osirian pose.” Moreover, the game states that the statue dates back to 14th century BCE, around the New Kingdom Era of Ancient Egypt. Unlike other Relics in the game, the Egyptian Artifact definitely belongs in a museum.
Players can find the relic inside St. Pancras International (Camden). Operatives need to locate the holding area of the structure, which has a room with the Relic resting atop a filing cabinet.
9 17th Century Medical Saw

Unlike other Relics in the game, the 17th Century Medical Saw remains a marvel of its kind. As per the game’s explanation, this Medical Saw describes a time where people adapted to the lack of sanitary surgical conditions with their own set of precautions. These included tourniquets and blood vessel litigation, all of which served as life-saving techniques at the time.
Players need four pieces to complete this Relic set. Two of the pieces are located in Camden. First, a piece sits inside a restricted area of the British Museum, with the second inside the locked door of the Ministry of Civil Management. Players can find another piece in a ventilation shaft of the Horse Guards Parade (Westminster). Another piece rests in the middle building of Kennington Park (River Thames). One other piece sits inside a hole outside the Southwark Cathedral (Southwark).
8 Masquerade Ball Prop

Operatives might find the Masquerade Ball Prop quite odd for a Relic in Legion. As per its description in-game, these Ball Props took the form of masks used in traditional Shakespeare plays. This particular Prop had designs hailing from the Elizabethan period, used by both people in the theatre and people in social events.
Players need to find five pieces to complete this Relic set. One of the pieces rests near the solar panels of the British Theatre (River Thames). Two more pieces are located in Southwark, one near the London Bridge, another in the Bankside Playhouse. Another piece lies on top of the Regalia Theatre entrance (Westminster). Its final piece lies inside the East London Mosque (Tower Hamlets).
7 Fake DedSec Business Card

Operatives might find this Relic quite an odd appearance in the game. After all, for a clandestine organization such as DedSec, it’s odd for them to have an identification item such as a calling card. Sadly, the game doesn’t offer any feature to actually use this Business Card. And in a way, it’s better for the player to actually have the card instead of other people due to the risk it posed.
Players can locate this odd Relic inside Leicester Square (Westminster). Operatives simply need to jump over the fence blocking the Relic indicator. Interestingly, the game sheds no details as to who exactly created the card. Moreover, there doesn’t seem to be other replicas of this card in the game.
6 TOAN Conference Pass

Yet another weird entry for a Relic, the TOAN Conference Pass is simply what it is – an attendance pass. However, perhaps more relevant is its role in the game as a whole. This Technology of All Nations (TOAN) Conference Pass highlights an event that currently centers around autonomous litigation, where some believe AI could actually bring about a more efficient justice system.
Oddly enough, players can easily find this Relic via a story mission. However, for those who missed it, they need to go to the TOAN Attack Site and locate a gap on the wall. They will find the Pass in the form of a briefcase, which is handcuffed to a hand missing the rest of its body.
5 Floppy Disk

Fans might enjoy the kind of throwback the Floppy Disk might bring in Legion. Moreover, instead of being a simple Floppy Disk, this particular disk contains a fictional game called NewSkies, a game by Britplay Software in 1989. In the game’s fictional lore, this is an FPS adventure detailing a soldier’s role in an invasion of Mars.
Interestingly, the Floppy Disk is perhaps one of the easiest to find amongst the game’s Relics. Players can locate the Floppy Disk near the computers inside the Safe House (Westminster). Funnily enough, the Floppy Disk is perhaps the oldest piece of technology existing in the rather high-tech premise of the game.
4 Mobile Phone

Yet another quirky throwback Relic, the Mobile Phone appears as a white and pink flip-phone with a bear keyfob. This appearance, when compared with a modern smartphone and touch-screen technology, marks just how advanced humans have gone in just a few years of research and development in terms of mobile phone technology.
Players need to locate four pieces to complete this Relic set. One of the pieces rests under the Lambeth Bridge (Westminster). Another piece is located in one of the buildings in Kennington Gasholder (River Thames). One other piece of the phone rests in the locked room of the Guildhall (City of London). Its final piece lies inside the Roman Wall (City of London).
3 DedSec Bracelet

Another oddity in the list of Legion‘s Relics lies in the DedSec Bracelet, a makeshift bracelet with various trinkets. It has no historical relevance, but it does represent the present struggles of DedSec against the oppressive powers of government and corporate espionage amongst the public.
Players need to locate five pieces to complete this Relic set. They can locate two pieces inside Westminster. First, one of them is inside Thorne’s Felts. Secondly, another piece rests on the roof of the National Gallery. Another piece rests on the roof of E-STROM (River Thames). One other piece lies inside the ventilation shaft of the Bank of England (City of London). Its last piece lies inside the small construction area of the Holborn Viaduct (City of London).
2 Prototype (Optik 0.1)

In Legion‘s fictional universe, the Optik (by Blume) served as the next biggest technological advance in consumer electronics since the smartphone craze. Thanks to the Optik, people can efficiently interface with machines, allowing them to perform tasks much faster and more efficiently. This Relic, the Optik 0.1, is the prototype that led to this revolutionary change.
Players need to find four pieces of the Optik 1.0 to complete the Relic set. They can find one piece in the Senate House Library (Camden) after completing a hacking puzzle. Another piece rests on the northeast side of St. James’s Square (Westminster). One other piece of the Prototype lies in the restricted area of the Finsbury Circus Gardens (City of London). Its final piece rests inside a small room of the Albion Drone Facility (Tower Hamlets).
1 Nineteen Eighty-Four

Perhaps the most important Relic in the game, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is a grim look towards a dystopian society in 1984 from Orwell’s eyes in 1949. In his story, a futuristic mid-80s had people surrender all rights and liberties to the mercy of The Party, a totalitarian government. This story reflects what’s currently happening in Legion as the world faces the threat of global surveillance.
Players need to find three pieces to complete this Relic set. A piece sits under a bench of the British Library (Camden). Another piece of the book lies inside the ventilation shaft of the European Processing Centre (River Thames). One other piece of the book lies hidden in the restricted area of Tidis Advanced Technologies (Southwark).

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