10 Things That Have Aged Well About The Original Dead Rising

Zombie video games are an essential part of gaming culture, almost every console generation has had its fair share of classic video games featuring hordes of the undead. While no two games in this genre are exactly alike, one of the most unique zombie games to hit the 360/PS3 era was Dead Rising.

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Set in a shopping mall overflowing with zombies, protagonist and photojournalist Frank West must survive by using unconventional weapons and his own wits to make it to through the madness. Along the way he meets many other survivors, some in need of saving and others looking to kill anything that moves. Although Dead Rising is roughly fifteen years old now, it still holds up to this day as an extraordinary entry in the zombie genre.  

10 Willamette Mall

It is common for zombie games to establish a post-apocalyptic setting, with burning cars and helicopters flying overhead. But, Dead Rising does a great job at spicing things up by using a massive shopping mall as a setting. The unique wings of the mall feature heaps of fun varied shops and shortcuts, filled with special items and weapons. This open-world setting encourages players to explore and leisurely mess around in what is essentially a giant sandbox filled with toys.

9 Frank West

Protagonists in the zombie genre have their work cut out for them, seeing as how they are usually trying to escape a gauntlet of undead. Frank West is a little different, he actually storms right into the horde, dead-set on getting a big scoop. A freelance photojournalist by trade, Frank is dropped off via helicopter on top of the Willamette Mall after he learns that a military quarantine is in place. Needless to say, things go awry and Frank finds himself playing hero when other survivors are in need of assistance. Frank is still a lovable anti-hero to many fans of the series, due to his “average everyday guy” demeanor, snarky antics, and overarching desire to save as many people as possible.

8 The Bosses

Dead Rising does an excellent job of keeping the gameplay dynamic by introducing a series of psychopathic bosses for Frank to battle against. From a killer clown with dual chainsaws to a sniping family of deranged hunters, the game shows that zombies aren’t always the biggest danger.

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An ongoing theme with the series, the demented bosses Frank faces off against are typically caricatures of American culture. Each boss fight is different and players must switch up their tactics to avoid being brutally killed by these manic psychopaths. Nevertheless, these battles are quite fun as Frank must use any weapons he can find nearby to ensure victory.

7 The Story

Zombie games can be hit or miss when it comes to the plot, with some skipping over the origin of the zombie invasion all together to others focusing solely on the relationships between characters. Dead Rising does a knock-out job of covering all its bases, revealing a diabolical politically-motivated revenge plot with a non-stop barrage of twists and turns. The game lays it all out on the table with a time limit and pushes players to stay engaged for the sake of the plot as Frank’s investigation into the roots of the zombie invasion turns sinister.

6 The Combat

Shopping malls aren’t particularly well known for being a haven of deadly weapons, but that’s where Dead Rising makes exceptional use of the setting. Players must search stores for anything that can be used as a weapon and try and stockpile as many items as they can find, as weapons will break after a short period of time. From frying pans to battle axes to lawn mowers, Frank has to be thrifty and think outside the box when going head to head against an army of the undead if he wants to survive the onslaught.

5 The Capcom References

Easter eggs and lively references give a game personality, something that Capcom is incredibly adept at doing. Dead Rising features a number of cute references to other Capcom games, from Jill’s Sandwiches (Resident Evilto the Servbot mask (Mega Man). 

RELATED: Capcom: 10 Best Games Of All Time (According To Metacritic)

Dead Rising is a game that advocates for players to explore every nook and cranny to gain the full experience. 

4 The Soundtrack

The soundtrack of Dead Rising is one of the more underrated aspects of the game but is still an essential one nonetheless. The overhead mall music is hypnotizing and almost dreamy, juxtaposing itself nicely with the carnage of a zombie invasion. The bosses have their own themes as well, mostly featuring heavy electronic beats, some of which have vocals and lyrics. The constant shifts in music add to the tensions players experience as their survival tactics are tested.

3 The Time Limit

While it may seem like something of a nuisance at first, the time limit in the game is quite an original idea. Frank only has 72 hours to investigate the zombie attack, making the ticking clock yet another source of pressure for players. The game changes from day to night and missions pop up at certain times, making it critical that players use their time wisely. This innovative gameplay ensures that every minute is crucial to survival and players will always have something to do.

2 The Humor

While zombie games, as well as horror games in general, are typically not known for being humorous, Dead Rising steps outside the box to add some much-appreciated comedy into the genre. While the game has serious moments, it also encourages comedic breaks, from having Frank do a sensual dance in the mirror to using silly weapons like a laser sword or giant fish. The bosses are also pretty funny at times, from pitting Frank against a disgruntled grocery store owner obsessed with defending his stock to a rival photographer consumed with jealousy against Frank.

1 Survival Of The Fittest

Above all, Dead Rising is a game about surviving, whether it be against zombie hordes or psychopaths. Players must use their limited inventory space to amass weapons and food necessary for staying alive amidst the terror. The concept of survival over action or jump scares is incredibly influential and has helped establish new horizons for the horror genre. The subsequent sequels of Dead Rising have followed in its footsteps, putting the open-world setting above all else. Its legacy lives through many other games, but the original Dead Rising is still as addictingly fun as when it first came out.

NEXT: 10 Canceled Horror Games You Never Knew Existed


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