The Machop Community Day for Pokemon GO is over, with many players having their collection of Machop and Machop candies as rewards. Something special that many players can take advantage of however is the ability to evolve Machop into Machoke, which can then be evolved into Machamp.
Machamp in Pokemon GO is a pure fighting-type Pokemon. This means that it is weak to fairy, flying, and psychic-type moves, but resists bug, rock, and dark-type moves. These weaknesses and resistances are shared by all members of the Machop evolutionary line.
In order to evolve Machop into Machoke, it will cost 25 Machop candies. However, in order to evolve Machoke into Machamp, it will cost 100 Machop candies. This candy price however can be reduced to zero however if players get a Machoke in a trade from another player.

There are three different possible fast moves that Machamp can have. These are Bullet Punch, Counter, and Karate Chop. Out of these three moves, the best one to have is Counter, as it deals the most DPS possible out of all the other fast moves.
When it comes to charge moves, there are a lot more options for Machamp to have. These moves are Cross Chop, Rock Slide, Close Combat, Dynamic Punch, Heavy Slam, Stone Edge, Submission, Frustration, and Return. While it may seem like it’s hard to pick which one is the right one to have, the one that provides the most DPS is Dynamic Punch.
If players don’t have these moves on their Machamp, they can have its moves changed via TMs. Due to none of these recommended moves being Elite moves, however, players should not use any Elite TMs of any kind.
Machamp is up there as one of the best fighting-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO. While Shadow Machamp is considered to be the best a Machamp can be, a normal Machamp is also very helpful in battle. It is great at taking down powerful normal, rock, steel, dark, and ice-type Pokemon in raids and PVP battles. Machamp is also a helpful Pokemon to leave in Gyms as a defender.
The next Pokemon GO Community Day will be starring Roselia, a dual grass and poison-type Pokemon. This will take place on Sunday, February 7th, 2021, and will be running from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM in players’ local times. The event will include event-exclusive timed research tasks and an exclusive special research story that will be available for $0.99 in USD.
Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS.
Source: Pokemon GO Info

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