10 Best Moves And Techniques In Granblue Fantasy Versus

Granblue Fantasy Versus is close to wrapping up its second season of DLC so now is a great time to look back at how the game has progressed. Because of the game’s simplicity and easy to learn mechanics, characters generally don’t have a lot of moves to choose from.

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The simple input system makes special moves a breeze to input, where instead of complex motions, players can press a direction and the special button. Because of this simplicity, however, some moves have proven to be a whole cut above their peers, outshining the rest. These moves are extremely powerful and sometimes can define a whole playstyle.

10 Soriz: Medium Attack

This move is an unlikely pick for this list because it isn’t as flashy as a lot of the moves in this game. The reason his medium attack is so strong is that it reaches so far. Soriz performs a front kick and moves forward a good amount when the medium button is pressed without special inputs.

This kick comes out relatively quickly for how far it reaches, and can cancel into his special moves. Soriz has trouble getting in on his opponents but this move is an essential tool to use for this character to succeed. Seasoned players use his medium attack to punish moves opponents whiff in front of them, and get Soriz’s offense started.

9 Vaseraga: Savage Rampage

Vaseraga is a monolith of a man that imposes himself on the battlefield and his opponents. He is one of the scariest characters in Granblue in terms of looks and power. His technique Savage Rampage consists of him charging forward, step by step, intimidating the opponent. The move itself has a bunch of options to scare the opponent into flinching and making a mistake.

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The skill works well with his armor ability so opponents have to respect what he does. Because the move does a lot of damage on block, players are forced to do something on defense, even if it’s the wrong answer. Once he gets the hit with this move, the damage is massive so be sure to take advantage of it as Vaseraga.

8 Ferry: Gespenst

Gespenset is long range whip attack with multiple uses and follow-ups that Ferry can choose after it hits. On block, this move leaves Ferry safe so there’s no reason to fear using it, even up close. If Ferry spends meter, the move gives her an advantage, even if it’s blocked which is very powerful in the corner and up close.

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The best part is when the move hits, Ferry can choose to bring the opponent close for extra pressure and set-ups, or continue to keep them at bay with her long-range whip attacks. Players have to be careful not to use Gespenst too much though, because it’s slow to come out and can be stopped with a preemptive attack.

7 Lancelot: Turbulenz

This move is a certified nuisance to deal with, especially for newer players. It grants Lancelot a terrific defensive option, while also being one of the trickiest offensive moves in the game. Lancelot teleports above the opponent, opening up options to attack on the way down.

The teleport itself is invincible on the way up so it’s impossible to stop, and he has a variety of things he can do on the way down to trip up his opponents. It’s not possible to always guess right what Lancelot is going to do after Turbulenz but the block button certainly helps, so he can’t cross up his opponent’s guard if they use it.

6 Belial: Goetia

Belial is a season 2 character and currently, the strongest one in the entire game. He has a lot of moves that could potentially make this list and Goetia might just be his strongest. At first glance, Goetia might not seem all that useful aside from being a fireball to control the screen. The value of the move becomes clear once Belial spends meter on it because that’s when everything goes out the window.

Enhanced Goetia gives Belial massive advantage if the opponent blocks it, and also grants a combo if it hits. What this means is, if he throws it out, there’s almost never a downside unless the opponent predicts it and attacks preemptively.

5 Beelzebub: Unisonic

Normally dive kick moves in fighting games are telegraphed so players have time to react and take the other player out of the sky. Beelzebub’s Unisonic is a completely different story when he enhances it. The move comes out at an unreactable speed, and actually gives him an advantage if his opponent blocks it.

This essentially means players on defense just have to take it and hope they can guess right once he’s in their face because he can dish out massive damage from anywhere on the stage. If the move hits, Beelzebub is still in close range of the opponent, so he can pressure them to make another opening for himself.

4 Zeta: Rhapsody

Rhapsody functions as a defensive and offensive tool and is possibly the most versatile move in the game when she spends meter on it. When Zeta uses Rhapsody, she gets armor so she can tank any hit from an opponent, including a super attack. Besides gaining armor, she has access to three moves out of the armor that are invincible to attack the opponent.

Generally, this move is used as a reversal or counter kind of move to stop the opponent’s offense and pressure. The thing that makes this move so strong is that she also gets huge damage off of the Rhapsody follow ups if they hit. Making opponents afraid to pressure means she can get out of a lot of situations for free and hit hard when pressured too much.

3 Belial: Stomp

Belial’s jumping unique attack is an extremely strong button, that isn’t even a special move. Belial jumps in the air and stalls above his opponent before slamming down with both legs on their heads. The primary purpose of this move is to discourage opponents from attacking him out of the air with anti-aerial moves, but players have found a lot more use for it than just that.

The stomp gives Belial an advantage if blocked, and can be done close to the ground to make the opponent flinch, giving him an opening. Belial also gets good combo damage after hitting his stomp so there’re very few downsides to throwing the move out.

2 Gran: Overdrive Surge

Gran is the classic simple character of Granblue Fantasy Versus who is very welcoming to beginners to learn. Overdrive surge is one of the most spammable moves in the game because of the large gap between its risk and reward.

When the move is spaced well, Gran can’t be punished for using it if the opponent blocks it. If they get hit, it carries the opponent a long distance and can even grant a big combo in the corner. What makes it extra strong is that the move starts up extremely fast, travels almost half screen, and has priority over other moves, making it hard to stop when used well.

1 Cagliostro: Spare Body

Cagliostro is another season 2 character who seems to be pretty strong. She relies on tricky traps and range to keep her opponents frustrated and guessing. Spare Body is one of the moves that ties her whole game plan together.

With Spare Body, Cagliostro creates a fake body and teleports somewhere of the player’s choosing. She can appear behind, in front of, or above her opponent to really trip up their defense. The move is also invulnerable in the beginning, so she can use it as an escape option pretty reliably.

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