A Feline’s Footfall quest is part of the Asgard arc in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Valhalla players are tasked with hunting down and capturing a sound. Specifically, players must capture the sound of a cat’s footfall. This quest becomes available after a chat with Ivaldi where he gives Havi a Cat’s Footfall Note as part of Ivaldi’s riddles. The note will be stored in the players’ inventory under Quest Items. Players will need to complete this quest in order to progress the Asgard arc in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
In order to catch the sound of a cat’s footfall, players must locate a cat, but not any cat will do. A Feline’s Footfall quest in Valhalla has players chasing a golden cat. To locate the cat, players will want to fast travel to the central most location on the Asgard map. Once players arrive atop the peak overlooking Asgard, they can look down and notice a bridge-like structure beneath them with pillars on top of it. That is where the golden feline is located.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla players will want to perform a leap of faith into the waters below. Once in the water, players will need to climb out and climb up the bridge-like structure in the north-west of them. After climbing all the way to the top of the bridge and atop the pillars, players should look north-east to see four pillars standing taller than the rest. The golden cat is on the north-easternmost pillar and will vanish as players approach it and reappear further along the path. The golden cat will always be facing in the direction it will move along.

Once the cat has vanished, players will want to keep moving forward in the north-east direction, following the golden cat as it makes its way along its path. Valhalla players will want to keep following the golden cat, eventually ziplining across a section of Asgard. Players should keep following the golden feline until they hear Havi say “Nowhere to go but down” or they reach an edge with a haystack below it. This indicates that players must perform a leap of faith into the haystack below. Once players land in the haystack, they will receive the Cat’s Footfall, proving that a deity such as Havi can indeed catch a sound.
The Cat’s Footfall item will be given to Ivaldi later in the Asgard arc to complete Ivaldi’s riddles, however, players will always have the memory of chasing a golden feline through the beautiful land of Asgard in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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