Fan Shows Impressive Xbox Series Z Handheld Concept in Viral TikTok Video

A fan-made mockup of an Xbox handheld has gone viral on TikTok. Called the Xbox Series Z, the video showing off this potential device offers an intriguing glimpse at what a Microsoft handheld could look like.

TikTok user ImKashama, who has made similar videos for other hypothetical devices, is responsible for the design. While this is not a real thing, the Series Z could be an exciting addition to the Xbox family alongside its recently released next-gen consoles, the Xbox Series X and S.

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ImKashama’s Series Z shares the same basic shape as the Nintendo DS line of handhelds. Pressing the Xbox logo on the back unfolds the display, and as the iconic Xbox startup chime plays, two collapsible joysticks extend from the frame. All of the recognizable Xbox control buttons are there in more or less the same configuration fans will recognize, and it also features a slide-out touch screen between the joysticks.

The display shows a home screen similar to those on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X. In the video, Imkashama browses titles like Far cry 6 and Among Us. Presumably, the handheld would rely on Xbox Cloud Gaming, or xCloud, which is an Xbox Game Pass service. It would be the natural choice if Microsoft were working on a dedicated gaming handheld.

The Xbox Series Z is ImKashama’s second version of an Xbox handheld. His previous concept, the Xbox Portable, featured a crescent-shaped touchscreen between a more traditional set of handles. He’s also not the first person to suggest an Xbox handheld, as another fan-made design called the Series V surfaced back in October, which is not to be confused with the Xbox Series V allegedly in development at Microsoft.

Microsoft toyed with the idea of designing a handheld console over the years, although none of its designs ever got past the concept stage. According to IGN, one scrapped pitch included a 360-era handheld called the “Xboy.” There were also rumors in 2012 of a gaming-focused version of the Microsoft Surface tablet. Engineers drew up multiple iterations of the handheld Xbox concept over the years, however none of them made it to the prototype stage.

As for ImKashama’s Xbox Series Z, impressive as it appears, it’s unlikely an actual Xbox handheld would share more than a passing resemblance. The automatically extending joysticks, while cool, seem a little bit impractical. It also lacks shoulder or trigger buttons, which are an essential part of the Xbox controller layout. The fan-made Series V mockup from October seems like a more practical design, something closer to what Microsoft would likely make. Of course, that’s assuming Microsoft is interested in an Xbox gaming handheld, but even if it isn’t fans certainly seem to be.

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Sources: TikTok, IGN


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