Red Dead Redemption 2 has various quests where the choices made can impact the outcome of different gameplay scenarios. We Loved Once and True is one of the quests in Red Dead Redemption 2 that has multiple outcomes depending on the choices made during this quest. This guide will explain the choices, and the consequences, of those choices in We Loved Once and True. Players will need to go to Chadwick Farm near Valentine to start this mission.
When Red Dead Redemption 2 players speak with Mary at Chadwick Farm to start the quest, she will beg for Arthur’s help in locating her brother, Jamie. Arthur will get to decide to help Mary, or decline her. Declining to help Mary will prevent players from being able accept a future mission to help Mary’s father. If Red Dead Redemption 2 players want to avoid this mistake, they should agree to help Mary.
If players choose to decline helping Mary, the quest will end here, with Mary and Arthur sharing their farewells. When players agree to help Mary find her brother Jamie, they will need to locate the Chelonians. The Chelonians are a cult group located in the Cumberland Forest.
The Chelonians can be found camping out on top of a cliff in the northeast of the Cumberland Forest in Red Dead Redemption 2. Approaching the Chelonians will cause them to act strangely and stand tightly in a shell of safety, prompting dialogue with the Chelonian leader. After a short bit of dialogue, players may choose to either be impatient and antagonize the leader, or they may indulge him and answer his questions. Regardless of Arthur’s approach, Jamie will run off, forcing Arthur to chase him.

Players will have to chase Jamie a short distance across Red Dead Redemption 2‘s beautiful, life-like landscape on horseback while Arthur and Jamie trade dialogue. When Jamie crosses in front of a train, a short cutscene will play. Jamie will express that he does not wish to live anymore, and attempts suicide. Players will have to use Dead Eye to disarm Jamie by shooting Jamie’s gun out of his hand. Failing to disarm Jamie or shooting him will fail the mission.
Successfully disarming Jamie means he needs to be returned to Mary. Head west along the railroad tracks while Arthur and Jamie discuss the recent events. Red Dead Redemption 2 players will want to follow the yellow quest tracker on their mini map until Arthur and Jamie arrive at the railroad station. A cutscene will follow with Mary and Arthur sharing their farewells as she and Jamie board a train. Now Arthur can get back to fishing, like he loves.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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