Civilization 6’s New Vietnam Civ Explained | Game Rant

Civilization 6‘s ongoing New Frontier Pass is getting ready to get its next round of DLC in the form of two new leaders (one of which leads two different Civilizations) and one new civilization. In addition to Kublai Khan who can lead both Mongolia and China, the game will be getting the brand new Civilization of Vietnam at the end of this month.

Despite only being teased in a Developer Update, eagle-eyed viewers have already gleaned some potential details about this new Civilization and its potential leader.

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Firaxis, the developer of Civilization 6, did a good job of trying to mask Vietnam’s leader during its showcase. But, whether intentionally or not, one single frame of the video fails to blur Vietnam’s leader. While no name is officially given to this leader, the developer describes this person as “a fierce warrior” who has risen to “god-like” status in Vietnamese culture thanks to their achievements. This leads many fans to believe that Lady Trieu will be the leader of Vietnam in Civilization 6. In the Developer update, there is mention of “riding the storm” which further hints at Lady Trieu being Vietnam’s leader. She is known to have said “I’d like to ride storms, kill sharks in the open sea, drive out the aggressors, reconquer the country, undo the ties of serfdom, and never bend my back to be the concubine of whatever man” which seem to be what the developers were referencing.

The screenshot above was captured directly from the Developer Update video, and shows Vietnam’s leader in a couple places on the chart. It appears to be a female leader, though nothing solid is confirmed, but if that is the case then it shoots down the running theory that Ly Thai To or Le Loi would lead Vietnam if it ever came to Civilization 6. At this time, it is currently unknown what Lady Trieu’s Leader Ability will be, but the Developer Update video did note that Vietnam is a Culture and Terrain-focused Civilization so her ability may tie into those features somehow.

Vietnam is a Culture and Terrain-focused Civilization, and while that does not give fans the specifics of what they will be bringing to Civilization 6, it does provide a few clues as to how they’re going to play. During the Vietnam introduction section of the Developer update, some small gameplay clips were shown, teasing what Vietnam’s kit focuses on. Looking at the above city breakdown, Vietnam’s specialty districts (Holy Site, Commercial Hub, and Theater Square) are providing bonuses that those districts usually do not provide. Additionally, when the player was placing their Holy Site, it could only be placed on tiles that had Features on it (Forest, Marsh, and Rain Forest tiles). While nothing is confirmed yet, perhaps placing a Specialty District on a specific Feature will grant bonus yields of various types.

Much like the powerful Ethiopia Civilization, then Vietnam could be a powerful force to be reckoned with in nearly any victory condition if this is true. It will all depend on how much the bonus yields for the Features will be, and if they impact adjacency bonuses at all. Again, this is all speculation based on what was shown in the Developer Update Video, so things may operate differently when the Vietnam DLC actually launches, especially since this could be Vietnam’s Civilization Ability or Lady Trieu’s Leader Ability.

With the new Corporations Game Mode, new Preservation District, two new Leaders, and a new Civilization, the Vietnam and Kublai Khan DLC is shaping up to be a huge hit among Civilization 6 players. While Vietnam is shaping up to potentially be a powerhouse in securing a Culture Victory, fans’ll have to wait and see how Vietnam fares once all of these major changes come into play on January 28.

Civilization 6 is available now for Linux, Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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