Members of UK Government Want to Take Action Against Next-Gen Console Scalpers

Since the next-generation consoles launched, scalping has been a major problem. By setting up bots to flood online retailers the second stock goes on sale, scalpers are walking away with literally thousands of PS5s. By making it so that average folks don’t stand much of a chance at getting a console at retail price, the secondary market has exploded, forcing people to pay double if they want next-gen now.

Waiting in line in front of the local video game store used to be the way folks would pick up the newest tech or the biggest game of the year. With online retailers being the most common way to acquire the latest and greatest, bot usage and scalping has become an epidemic. Anything available online gets snapped up, whether it is shoes, concert tickets, or consoles. With PS5 consoles being tied up by scalpers, it is having an effect on next-gen software sales.

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Members of Parliament in the UK are continuing their efforts to take action against scalpers, though many are disappointed at the lack of response thus far. Scottish National Party MP Douglas Chapman has been vocal on the subject, after he and others in the SNP introduced a motion to ban scalping of gaming and computer equipment. He said in a recent interview “it doesn’t give the ordinary customer fair access to the market…,” fearing, “this situation’s just going to get worse and worse.” Though it should be said that the situation is already quite dire.

It certainly doesn’t help when UK retailers are siding with the scalpers. Retailer GAME is blocking people on Twitter who report PS5 scalpers, instead of investigating the claims being made. With scalpers being more emboldened to gloat about big hauls, it doesn’t help the situation when retailers won’t fight back, and instead choose to take action against the people trying to address the problem.

There is now data analysis being done on just how profitable being a scalper is. In particular with the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, scalpers have walked away with earnings of $29 million since preorders for the systems began. The absurd amount of money being made on the secondary market needs to be addressed, as it is ethically dubious, and bots make it near impossible for average folks to buy consoles online. Fair access to the market, as MP Chapman is advocating for, needs to be a priority.

MORE: PS5 Scalper Group Brags Online, Gets Slammed By Fans 

Source: Gaming Bible


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