The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel’s 10 Most Mythical Jewelry Items

Players need not rely on weapons and armor alone to fortify their skills in The Elder Scrolls. Jewelry items, in the form of enchanted rings and amulets, can make a big difference both on and off the battlefield. The sheer number of these artifacts is mind-boggling. Nobody’s pockets are that deep to acquire them all.

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Buried amongst the thousands of mundane pieces of jewelry are a rare few that truly stand out. Certain artifacts possess ancient, almost mythical origins. These rings and amulets don’t just make the player character look pretty. Rather, they are extraordinary boons that should be collected whenever possible.

10 The Amulet Of Kings

The Amulet of Kings was, at one time, perhaps the most important gem in Tamriel. For the Cyrodiilic emperors, it represented their right to rule as sanctioned by the Divines. All the souls of the previous emperors are said to have resided inside the amulet after their deaths.

Its magnificence is such that not any ordinary mortal may wear it. Only those with the Dragon Blood in their veins can securely fasten the amulet around their necks without it falling off. Martin Septim was the last ruler to wear it. The amulet was shattered in order to defeat Mehrunes Dagon during the Oblivion Crisis.

9 Ring Of Khajiiti

The Ring of Khajiiti is a strange Daedric artifact that holds the unique distinction of being associated with two separate Princes. In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind the player is given the ring by Mephala. In The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion it’s gifted by Meridia.

The ring’s fame stems from the story of Rajhin, a legendary Khajiit thief who stole it from Mephala herself. He later came to be revered as a god by the Khajiit for his exploits. The effects of the ring make the player faster as well as harder to see.

8 Draconian Madstone

Akaviri artifacts are extremely rare, not to mention exceedingly valuable. The Draconian Madstone is one example of a unique Akaviri treasure. When equipped, it grants the wearer some immunity against disease and poison. It’s a pretty useful benefit considering the state of medicine in Tamriel.

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In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the Countess Narina Carvain of Bruma tasks the player with retrieving the amulet from Pale Pass. The Hero of Kvatch receives a substantial reward for returning the Draconian Madstone to the countess. It serves as the centerpiece of her collection of assorted Akaviri displays.

7 Necromancer’s Amulet

Like many necromantic objects, this amulet bears the mark of the King of Worms, Mannimarco. It’s a jewelry piece of significant power, particularly for mages. The wearer’s Conjuration skill improves greatly, but typically at the cost of things like health or endurance.

The item holds the rare distinction of being included in every main entry in the series, from The Elder Scrolls: Arena to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In the fifth title, the amulet is in the possession of a seemingly harmless treasure hunter named Calixto Corrium. No one suspects Calixto of using the amulet’s power to resurrect his long-dead sister.

6 Namira’s Ring

This horrific piece of jewelry belongs to the Lady of Darkness and Decay. Its been known to have many owners throughout Tamriel’s history. Whoever manages to please the mercurial Namira can be gifted this prized possession. It has appeared in every main entry in the series with the exception of The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

In The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the ring’s power reflects damage back at the attacker. However, in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim the ring restores 50 points of Stamina and fortifies Health and Health Regeneration. What needs to be done to activate this benefit? The Dragonborn just needs to cannibalize a corpse. Simple.

5 Ahzidal’s Rings

Before becoming a Dragon Priest, Ahzidal was arguably Tamriel’s greatest enchanter. There seemed to be no limits to his knowledge. Throughout his life he studied at the feet of the Snow Elves, Dwemer, Chimer, Altmer, Dragons and even the Daedra. This last partnership ultimately cost Ahzidal his sanity.

Ahzidal’s rings reflect his past as an enchanter and mage. The Ring of Arcana unlocks two spells for the Dragonborn, Ignite and Freeze. The Ring of Necromancy makes the player’s reanimated allies more dangerous. When combined with the rest of Ahzidal’s relics a perk is bestowed that fortifies the Enchanting skill by 10 points.

4 Gauldur Amulet

Gauldur was an ancient Archmage of Winterhold during the First Era. His three sons, resentful of their father’s power, murdered him and stole the amulet. The conspirators divided it amongst themselves and fled. One by one, the brothers were eventually defeated and sealed away in their tombs.

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Once the three fragments are reassembled, the completed Gauldur Amulet is quite useful for a variety of playstyles. It grants a 30 point boost to the three main attributes of Health, Stamina, and Magicka. Definitely not a bad option, especially when the player’s Enchanting skill is low.

3 Locket Of Saint Jiub

A Dark Elven prisoner, the player first meets Jiub in the intro sequence to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Although seemingly an unimportant character, Jiub actually possesses a noble backstory. After turning his life around Jiub went on to eradicate the Cliff Racers from Vvardenfell. His people now revere him as a saint for his heroic deeds.

The Dragonborn can be gifted Jiub’s locket from the man himself once the appropriate quest has been completed. Equipping the locket fortifies both Stamina and Carry Weight by 50 points each. It also provides a small armor boost, which is unusual for an amulet.

2 Talisman Of Abetment

Like many things found in the Shivering Isles the Talisman of Abetment is no ordinary piece of jewelry. The amulet appears to be made from the same material that constitutes Dawnfang. It’s supposed that the Talisman of Abetment is Akaviri in origin, and belongs specifically to the Tsaesci. The latter group is rumored to be a serpentine species of savage predators.

The amulet provides a trio of benefits. Detect Life, Feather, and Water Breathing are its main features. It serves as the reward for completing the “Baiting the Trap” quest as part of the main storyline for The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles.

1 Ring Of Hircine

Wielding Hircine’s Ring can be seen as a blessing or a curse. For lycanthropes who have appeased the Daedric Prince the ring can be a source of great power. Displeasing Hircine, however, is often disastrous as werewolf transformations become unpredictable and inconvenient. For decades, the ring was in the possession of Tharsten Heart-Fang, an influential Skaal chieftain.

During Hircine’s Great Hunt, the Nerevarine has the opportunity to slay Tharsten and claim the ring. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, completing the “Ill Met By Moonlight” quest removes the curse from the ring. It grants an extra werewolf transformation per day, but only if the Dragonborn has lycanthropy.

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