Valve’s Gabe Newell Defends CD Projekt Red After Cyberpunk 2077 Launch Issues

After the controversial launch of Cyberpunk 2077, Gabe Newell provides some insight in favor of CD Projekt Red. As president of Valve, a fellow game developer and distribution company, Newell offers defense of the issues plaguing the launch of Cyberpunk 2077.

The sci-fi open-world RPG was one of the most highly-anticipated games of 2020. Unfortunately, despite mostly positive critic reviews, Cyberpunk 2077 is an experience rife with bugs and glitches. While the PC version is functional, both last-generation and current generation consoles saw performance struggles across the board.

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As a result, CD Projekt Red has seen extensive backlash from the gaming community. Even so, an icon within the industry believes that the harsh feedback may be somewhat unwarranted. Gabe Newell expresses sympathy for the creators of Cyberpunk 2077, claiming that many developers struggle with console versions. He claims that there are many content gamers on PC, and those are the most noticeable to them. Newell also cites the ambitious game world as evidence of the hard work put in by developers at CD Projekt Red.

He found Sony’s decision to remove Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store strange, but not without reason. Newell suggests that disappointment can be extreme due to gamers caring a lot. However, Valve’s president also acknowledges that controversy like this can also be a learning experience. He points out how expectations are high in the gaming industry, and failing to meet them is par for the course. He assumes that the developers at CD Projekt Red will reflect on where the game fell short, and use that to make improvements.

Gabe Newell is not completely off the mark when he claims that the extreme response is unfair. The thing is, this feedback did not appear in a vacuum. In the months leading up to release, CD Projekt Red struggled with news of worker crunch and a poor workplace environment. In addition, reviews of the game were restricted to the PC version, despite Cyberpunk 2077 coming out for consoles as well. Between overworked developers and misleading reception, it is not surprising that feedback was harsh. And with the disgraceful performance on last generation consoles, Newell seems to miss the point when hyping the PC version.

Though, any major controversy like the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 is going to have multiple sides to the story. It is possible that not every developer at CD Projekt Red felt their time and effort were disrespected. The company also partially owned up to the poor quality on consoles by offering refunds for the game. And as Gabe Newell describes, the PC version reception is favorable as it showcases an incredible world full of potential. That said, the wisdom of Valve’s president is on display as he provides empathy and advice for CD Projekt Red.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions in development.

MORE: How Cyberpunk 2077’s Multiplayer Could Be CD Projekt Red’s GTA Online

Source: TVNZ


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