Fortnite Plagued By New Invisibility Glitch | Game Rant

There is a new way to dominate in Fortnite, and it involves turning invisible for the match. YouTuber Glitch King reveals a Fornite exploit that allows players with a cloaking device to stay invisible indefinitely.

With the recent version 15.21, Epic Games pays tribute to the famous Predator series. Within a match, fans can battle the signature alien as a boss battle to unlock its skin. However, a new item is available while playing too, the Predator’s cloak device. Typically, the gear grants invisibility temporarily, allowing for players to ambush unsuspecting enemies.

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However, what was intended as a clever reference has now become an aggravation for the community. Even though Predator and its apartment have only been out for a short time, an exploit has already been uncovered. Simply put, the glitch allows players to stay invisible until a match ends or the player logs off. And enemies can only view the outline of someone who is cloaking at a distance. As one might imagine, this results in a strategy ripe for abuse.

To make matters worse, Glitch King shows how easy it is for players to take advantage of this manipulation. Once the cloaking device is active, all that needs to be done is disconnecting the internet connection. Make sure to reconnect it instantly, and the game will leave the user in a permanent state of invisibility. This frees up the player to rampage across the map with little recourse for adversaries to fight back. Since the glitch is simple to activate, it means pretty much anyone can do it.

Glitches are a common factor in games across all generations and genres. But, when it comes to competitive multiplayer games, the exploits can cause more frustration than fun. Fortnite is no stranger to these occurrences, like the infinite jetpack glitch. Aside from giving players an unfair advantage, permanent invisibility should result in some memorable encounters. With how straightforward it is to use, there is little doubt that hordes of fans will be disappearing in-game. It will likely make final showdowns between invisible enemies an exciting prospect.

All jokes aside, it is concerning that there is yet another game-breaking glitch in the game. While it is great that Epic Games like to shake up the experience, it should not come at the cost of fairness. Granted, it is not common for players to disconnect from the internet while playing an online game. So it is not that shocking that the developers missed an exploit like this before launch. That said, infinite cloaking should be patched out as soon as possible to restore Fortnite to a balanced state.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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