Halo Infinite on Xbox Series X Can Usher in a New Era for Microsoft in 2021

Microsoft’s latest home console, the Xbox Series X, launched to positive reception but unfortunately its flagship game, Halo Infinitehad to be delayed. Although fans were disappointed to have to wait longer to play the game that was initially meant to be the system seller, this setback does not necessarily spell doom and gloom for Halo Infinite, nor the console itself, and could very well be a blessing in disguise.

If anything, Microsoft wanting to hold off on Halo Infinite is a good sign that it wants the game to be in the best playable form it can be. In an era where so many games are rushed to meet deadlines and especially after the entire fiasco of Cyberpunk 2077 launching with a ton of bugs at launch it’s a comforting sign to see that the developers of Halo Infinite are putting quality before anything else.

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Microsoft has also made considerable effort these past years to expand its exclusive games roster, going so far as to acquire a multitude of new studios to work under the Xbox name. All of this time and money being poured into new games will have to have been well spent and rushing unfinished products out in an effort to simply demonstrate a large quantity of games over quality ones, will eventually backfire. For Microsoft to make a great example of its new ambitions, it needs to not stumble out of the gate, especially when the first impressions of the Xbox Series X are as a competent new console are additionally at stake here. It was the wise decision to ensure that the game all Xbox fans have eyes on, Halo Infinite, kicks off the rollout of new exclusives with a big bang.

The Halo franchise is synonymous with the Xbox brand, having been alongside it ever since the release of the original Xbox all the way back in 2001, so it will need to live up to some heavy expectations. The technical prowess of the Xbox Series X is certainly impressive, so when the time comes to really show off what this new machine can do, what better game to do that than the series that most often comes to mind when gamers think about the Xbox. Halo Infinite, when ready, is sure to impress as a video game and serve as a showcase for the Series X capabilities but with the aforementioned studio purchases under its belt, this will only be the beginning.

The care and attention being given to Halo Infinite is a good sign for the plethora of inbound exclusives for the Series X, starting this new surge of titles with a massive IP and continuing that energy as time goes on. The recent announcement of a new Perfect Dark at The Game Awards promises another heavy hitting first person shooter, while the cerebral action adventure game Hellblade 2, Rare’s open world adventure Everwild, and the upcoming Fable reboot also indicate that Xbox’s first party offerings are aiming to be just as diverse as they are plentiful. The games lineup may be slim now but with so many studios under its ownership, a consistent release rollout is sure to be on the horizon for Xbox with Halo Infinite rightly leading the charge.

Gamers need to only look at the competition at Sony to see how a similar strategy can payoff for Microsoft. The PlayStation ecosystem seems to be endless when it comes to first party exclusives with Spider-Man and God of War being critically acclaimed standouts. Now, with just as many developers to craft its own exclusive titles, Xbox has a chance to organize a release schedule filled with showstoppers time after time and spoil its devoted fanbase with an expansive roster of triple-A games.

Of course, this is all speculation at this point as Xbox’s promised first party lineup games are either in development or still waiting to be announced. It is still too early to tell how Xbox’s ambitious plans will unravel but with all the right pieces in place, signs are pointing to the Series X having a promising lifecycle. The focus now is on Halo Infinite and hopefully it can be the spark that gets the fire burning.

Halo Infinite is currently in development for PC and Xbox Series X.

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