Riot Games launched League of Legends in 2009, and even they could not have imagined that their game would become the most successful and most played MOBA in the world. The game will soon feature 154 different champions, all of whom have their own unique abilities and playstyles, but when an online game has that many characters, certain champions will undoubtedly be better/worse than others.
Riot has done a pretty good job of balancing their game, but with Season 11 now underway, core in-game changes have caused several characters to become drastically overpowered, to the point that they need to receive a significant nerf. There are also quite a few champions who need to get buffed because they are not doing well, either because they lack damage or because the new items do not compliment them.
10 Buff: Corki

As it currently stands, Corki is one of the worst champions this season, and this is because of the changes Riot made to the Trinity Force item. Corki used to get a major power spike from Trinity Force, because it gave him more mana, movement speed, and a lot more cooldown reduction.
Corki now lacks the power necessary to keep up with other ADCs in bot lane, and he is now useless in mid when dealing with assassins who can snowball. In order to make Corki more viable, Riot will need to buff his mana cost, his movement speed, and most importantly, his damage.
9 Nerf: Tristana

Tristana may not be the strongest champion in the lore, but given her absurd damage this season, the argument can be made that she deserves to be on the list. Trist can place a bomb on an enemy champion, and if she shoots that champion twice, the bomb will do maximum damage when it explodes.
Riot needs to nerf the crit damage that’s associated with her E, because at full power she can two shot another ADC even if they have more than half their total health left.
8 Buff: Azir

Azir requires a lot of skill to play properly, which means that he is not a beginner-friendly champion. He is a mid laner who can create towers and summon sand soldiers to attack, and his ult allows him to call a phalanx of soldiers who can knockback the entire enemy team.
Azir has a lot of utility, which is why he is played a lot in higher elo, but the item changes have not done him any favors, in fact he is weaker now than he was last season, which is why he has one of the lowest win rates in game.
7 Nerf: Brand

Thanks to the new Mythic Items, several champions are now broken, including Brand. The item in question is Liandry’s Torment, and it ignores up to 15% of an enemy’s magic resist while also burning enemies for over 4 seconds.
This item is fine on other mages, but Brand is drastically overpowered with it because all of his abilities burn too. Brand’s damage needs to be nerfed because he can literally melt an entire team if he lands his combo, which sounds amazing, but there is no way to really counter it besides using Zhonya’s Hourglass when it’s off cooldown.
6 Buff: Trundle

In season 10, Trundle was a good Jungle pick because his passive allowed him to heal every time something died around him, but he can also heal by using his ult and W. That same W gives him enhanced movement and attack speed, which is perfect for ganks when he uses his E to slow and knockback enemies.
Unfortunately, the new Items have made tanky champions like Trundle somewhat obsolete because they pierce through armor and magic resist, and several counteract healing. The only way to really help Trundle is for Riot to buff his healing or durability.
5 Nerf: Anivia

Anivia is another champion who benefits from Liandry’s Anguish, and that’s because it pairs well with her ult, which creates a large circular blizzard that damages and slows enemies. This can be extremely troublesome, but it’s not the reason why Anivia needs a nerf.
When Anivia uses her Q to shoot a chunk of ice, she can recast it to make it shatter and stun one or more enemies for just over a second. When she uses her E on a stunned opponent, its damage is doubled, and thanks to the extra damage given by buffed AP items, she can one shot someone even if they are at half health.
4 Buff: Aphelios

Aphelios is a unique ADC because he uses 6 different weapons, and this trait is the reason why Riot should think about giving him an Ultimate skin. When Aphelios was first released, he did an insane amount of damage, to the point that he could shred a plated tower with one ability.
This led to Riot nerfing him several times, but in doing so, they made him unable to carry games. Aphelios now does a fraction of the damage he used to, and it shows, because he currently has the lowest win rate of all the ADCs.
3 Nerf: Yone

The Ruined King may be season 11’s overall villain, but he is by no means the game’s best swordsman. That title currently belongs to Yone, whose abilities are very similar to Yasuo’s, but unlike his younger brother, Yone does not need to land a tornado to wipe a team.
Prior to season 11 going live, Yone had his crit conversions adjusted in order to make him more balanced. This did not work however, because his attacks still crit for absurd damage, which would be fine if most of his kit didn’t revolve around crit. He also has way too much sustain thanks to his W’s shield and the length of his E.
2 Buff: Kassadin

Kassadin is an AP assassin who can teleport, and he has a magic shield, absurd mobility, and the potential to do a lot of burst damage. This kit is the reason why he was the bane of virtually every mage in mid lane for years, but that was when Rod of Ages was still an item.
Rod gave Kassadin a huge power spike and much needed sustain in the early game, and now that it’s gone, he cannot compete against mages who can now melt champions with their Mythic Items. Riot either needs to buff his shield so it can scale better late game, or they need to buff his passive so he can take up to 25% reduced magic damage instead of 15%.
1 Nerf: Rammus

Thornmail is by no means the best item in season 11, but it is his core item. Whenever an enemy champion damages a Thormail user with a basic attack, they sustain magic damage, and they are affected by the Grievous Wounds debuff which reduces healing by 40%. This debuff increases to 60% if the enemy champion is immobilized in any way.
When Rammus uses his W, he enters a defensive stance which boosts his armor and magic resist, but it also boosts his passive’s damage by 50%. This passive is then applied to his W, which causes enemies to take damage whenever they basic attack him. Riot needs to nerf this W because it stacks with Thornmail, which means that he can shred enemy champions without even touching them.

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