With Season 11 officially underway for League of Legends players, it hasn’t taken too long for Riot Games to push out the first patch of 2021. While the highlight is Viego, the Ruined King’s long awaited debut, Patch 11.2 also brings a new set of balance changes and framework for the next seasonal event.
Since the beginning of preseason, Riot has been busy hotfixing mythic items that were overwhelmingly built by everyone. But while the changes were intended to diversify build paths, other overpowered mythics and character combinations took their place to dominate solo queue and even professional League of Legends. As a result, this latest set of nerfs hits several champions and the more problematic mythic items.
Although many struggling picks are getting some small buffs, the nerfs to nine champions are much more substantial. Some of these adjustments like for Akali and Darius are just a number change to balance out the power of mythic items that synergize well with their kits. On the other hand, Olaf and Aatrox are losing most of the healing increase from abilities which allowed them to go from nearly zero to full health thanks to the new omnivamp and life steal items during duels or teamfights.
Furthermore, several mythic items are finally getting nerfed after being considered underpowered in their role for some time. Galeforce’s arrow-firing dash cooldown is being reverted back to 90 seconds after AD carries were become too mobile including those who could use lethality to increase the execute damage. More importantly, Kraken Slayer’s true damage every third attack is now subject to on-hit modifiers. This means that champions like Katarina and Urgot will no longer deal absurd amounts of true damage due to their ability to quickly apply on-hit effects especially since the item wasn’t designed for them in the first place.
At the same time, tank mythic items are also being adjusted after their previous nerfs. While Sunfire Aegis has been the dominant pick, Frostfire Gauntlet and Turbo Chemtank will be several hundred gold cheaper now. When combined with the loss of Sunfire Aegis’ ability haste passive to Turbo Chemtank, supportive champions should definitely consider the other options more viable than before.
The incoming changes will definitely shake things up especially in the bot lane. However, other emerging picks such as Irelia and Yone look ready to become the top picks since their kits and mythic items have escaped changes for now. Even so, it will take some time for the meta to shift so players can enjoy Viego’s release along with the new Ruined and Shan Hai Scrolls skinlines that are coming out immediately.
League of Legends is available on PC.
Source: League of Legends
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