Mass Effect Andromeda: All Of The Sniper Rifles, Ranked

Sniper Rifles are the expert’s weapon of choice in Mass Effect: Andromeda. On tougher settings, it’s much easier to use a shotgun, pistol, or assault rifle because the game will pour on hordes of smaller targets that excel at getting in close. Considering that platinum difficulty is the goal, this might scare amateur players away from practicing with a weapon that requires focus, time, and precision.

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But that is a mistake. While the other players might be getting more kills, the job of getting the important kills is entirely left up to the sniper. Bosses and elite enemies will devastate the group and whittling them down will not work due to shield and energy barriers. They require bursts of heavy damage, preferably headshots, in order to save the group from being torn apart. So stay clear of some tempting but underwhelming sniper rifles and grab one of the best to become the hero every squad needs.

All statistics mentioned are with maximum level weapons without any augmentations or abilities. This helps put each rifle on an even playing field.

15 Widow

The next Mass Effect game will have to respond to plenty of questions, but perhaps they should start with, “Why is the Widow still in the game?” There’s a direct upgrade, the Black Widow, and there are multiple other guns that do better than 810 damage per shot. By the way: That single shot is the only one in the magazine.

14 Lanat

Andromeda should, in many ways, be recognized by the next game in the series, yet if the team chose to leave out the Lanat, there won’t be any complaints. With only two bullets in the chamber, hitting with both still only totals a paltry 825 damage.

13 Isharay

It’s common knowledge that, in many respects, Andromeda has not aged well. Look no further than the mistakes on this thermal gun that overheats after every shot. The 974 damage is nothing to brag about, either, but it’s the long cooldown after firing that makes this one of the hardest weapons to defend in the game.

12 Raptor

It’s hard to tell if this weapon will be one of the things about the game that will live on to the next installment. It’s a solid sniper rifle all around without any strengths or weaknesses, though even fans of the gun would likely demand a boost from the 1,200 damage per clip stat for future versions.

11 Viper

This gun likely won’t be spoken of in the debate over whether the next game should be Mass Effect 4 or Andromeda 2 since the Viper exists in each of them as a reliable, if unexciting, choice.

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With 1,269 damage per clip, the sniper rifle works much how it did in the original trilogy which will thrill veterans who have trained with the gun, but leave most statisticians wanting to see beefier numbers.

10 Pathfinder Observer

While every other sniper rifle can be upgraded ten times, this particular weapon can only be upgraded five times, which leaves its maximum damage per clip at 1,464. It’s not an atrocity, but since the team will be improving upon Andromeda already, they might as well give a little bit more juice to this weapon while they’re at it.

9 Vanquisher

The Vanquisher is widely regarded as the best introductory sniper rifle in the game because it’s so well-rounded. It has four shots per magazine, an extremely high accuracy, and a lot of forgiveness in the form of extra rounds. The 1,760 damage per clip is just about right for finishing off most targets as well.

8 Naladen

The 1,772 damage per clip number might not jump off of the page to any onlookers, but it should be noted that rounds fired from the Vanquisher are explosive. So expect some stagger effects and a small area of effect damage on impact. The series might very well abandon the galaxies gamers have known entirely, but explosive rounds hopefully survive the trip to wherever they journey to next.

7 M-90 Indra

Fully automatic, meet sniper precision. Gamers that want that combination will have to start and end with the Indra, as it’s the only sniper rifle capable of automatic fire in the entire game. Experts who can hit consistently through the recoil will be rewarded with 1,900 damage per clip.

6 Incisor

The Incisor fires in three-round bursts and that’s fine because of the magazine size of 15 with a 2,010 damage per clip total. It’s become a go-to gun for multiplayer action as the game often sends enemies in waves and the burst fire is great at breaking through shields, armor, and energy barriers to get to enemy health.

5 Kishock Harpoon Gun

Looking for a one-shot, one-kill machine? Look no further. No other gun in the game does more with a single bullet than the Kishock Harpoon Gun.

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Normally, it’s not recommended to use guns with only a solitary shot at the ready, but when that shot does 2,031 damage, it’s actually quite hard to recommend anything else.

4 Inferno

For longer battles of attrition, snipers are usually the first to run their cartridges dry, but that can’t happen with the Inferno and its infinite ammo supply. What’s more, it doesn’t need to be reloaded, only allowed to warm up. Still, in a pinch, players can get off five shots for 2,135 damage before the gun has to cool off.

3 Black Widow

For the most balanced experience without sacrificing power, the Black Widow has been an icon for Mass Effect snipers and the same gun in Andromeda deserves just as much respect. The three shots in the clip do 2,145 damage, perfect for getting through boss defenses quickly.

2 N7 Valiant

Those who aren’t confident in their aiming abilities should really consider the N7 Valiant for their main weapon. Those who are confident at aiming may want to consider it even more. It’s a semi-automatic sniper rifle and better for platinum maps that don’t give snipers time to line up perfect shots. The 2,270 damage per clip is staggeringly high as well.

1 Shadow

The Shadow is not for everybody It fires a rechargeable beam very quickly and does damage over time for every moment the beam is correctly aligned. Steady hands and cool heads can do no better than this gun with its total of 3,030 damage done after the shot has expired, well more than enough to eliminate even the toughest opponents in a couple of streams. Oh, and unlimited ammo means never leaving the sniper’s next.

NEXT: Mass Effect 4 Needs To Bring Back Andromeda’s Best Feature, But With A Twist


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