Re-Reckoning Proves Kingdoms of Amalur Needs A Sequel | Game Rant

The original Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning released almost nine years ago. The game quickly became a hit due in part to the work on the game by R.A. Salvatore of Dungeons and Dragons fame and Spawn creator Todd McFarlane. A deep fantasy world meshed with fun combat more along the lines of Devil May Cry than Elder Scrolls helped create a cult following for the game that still has many fans passionate about it. A remaster was released last year and Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning does a good job of making the point for a sequel.

Released back in September of 2020, Re-Reckoning admittedly received some mixed feedback. But largely the negative feedback tended to address the technical side of the port in lieu of the game itself. Re-Reckoning reviews are generally positive on the whole though, and how well the core of the game is still received nine years later makes a strong point for a sequel. Now that the IP has made its way into the hands of THQ Nordic a sequel doesn’t seem impossible for many of the game’s dedicated fans.

RELATED: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Review Roundup

Now that there is a Switch port of Kingdoms of Amalur coming, even more players will be able to explore the rich fantasy world that the game provides. The portable possibilities on the Switch can go a long way in helping new players digest a game that definitely shows its age in some places. With Re-Reckoning‘s dedicated fanbase, the remaster was among the best-selling releases in September, with that month also seeing a few AAA releases like Marvel’s Avengers. While definitely a niche game, the fact that THQ Nordic has chosen to bring Kingdoms of Amalur to a new platform shows confidence in the Salvatore penned adventure. The company’s support of other franchises that don’t necessarily see huge numbers like Darksiders is also heartening to fans hoping for a sequel.

The gameplay of Re-Reckoning is something that was great on its own, but has a lot of potential for expansion. The blend of swords, stealth, and sorcery in Re-Reckoning wasn’t itself a new concept even when the original released in 2012. However, the tweaks to how those elements handled in Re-Reckoning were unique. The freedom players had to craft builds that fit their playstyle was vast. And the combat was faster and more involved than most action RPGs of the time. Brawler builds were able to craft combos on the fly, roguish types could stalk through a fortress silently eliminating guards with quick flourishes, and spellcasting setups could unleash devastating magic attacks that would clear out a room.

Expanding on these elements that worked great, and improving some systems that were functional but not exactly fascinating like the early crafting slog, could open up even more options for a game that would still feel unique in a landscape chock full of action RPGs. The advanced fidelity available on modern consoles would go a long way to adding depth to the already rich world and opens up possibilities for more diverse and engaging side-quests in a Re-Reckoning sequel.

The game’s central narrative dealt with defying fate in a world where fate was a tangible, corporeal thing for everyone else. Many fans can feel empathy as they hope for a new sequel. But with Re-Reckoning headed to the Switch and a dedicated fanbase, it might not be too far-fetched for those fans to believe.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning releases for the Switch on March 16, 2020 and is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: RA Salvatore’s Involvement in Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance is Huge


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