Who Should You Marry In Skyrim, Based On Your Zodiac? | Game Rant

Skyrim is full of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes—some might say too many to choose from. For Dragonborns looking to settle down, options range from gruff warriors to friendly merchants and loyal housecarls. Some are generic and one-dimensional, but plenty of others are full of depth.

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Players are bound to form bonds with many NPCs as they delve into caves and slay dragons together. Once they find an Amulet of Mara, though, the Dragonborn can make a choice. To help narrow down potential options, here are some of the best marriage candidates in Skyrim, paired according to astrological compatibility.

12 Aries: Marcurio

Feisty, hot-tempered Aries looks for a partner who can keep up with their endless energy. Marcurio, a sellsword in Riften, makes a perfect match. With his spells at the ready, he’s always ready to charge into a fight.

Like any hirable follower, Marcurio is always up for an adventure. His dialogue is witty and full of friendly teasing, making him a more entertaining companion than other mercenaries. With him, the sign of the ram will never fall victim to the boredom that can be deadly in their relationships.

11 Taurus: Romlyn Dreth

The sign of the bull loves earthly pleasures and the finer things in life. Romlyn is a perfect choice to keep a Taurus happy, with his easy supply of high-quality mead. With his lucrative businesses—both legitimate and smuggling—he can provide this sign with the comfort they desire.

Marrying Romlyn requires completing an errand for him: smuggling a barrel of Black-Briar mead. Cheating Maven Black-Briar doesn’t bother Taurus, who with their strong values dislike her greed and corruption. Plus, it’s worth it to win Romlyn’s heart.

10 Gemini: Mjoll the Lioness

Geminis need interest, variation, and fun in their lives; thus, they won’t be content with many of the generic marriage candidates. Mjoll, however, has some depth to her. She’s feisty and outspoken, unafraid to voice opinions that could get her into trouble.

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Her stories of her travels will keep Geminis entertained, and her adventuring prowess further prevents boredom. As one of the best followers in the game, Mjoll’s not a passive wife content to sit at home; rather, she’s a partner and a friend, exactly what a Gemini wants.

9 Cancer: Quintus Navale

An apprentice alchemist, Quintus works at the White Phial in Windhelm. He’s hardworking and compassionate, trying to balance his training with caring for his dying mentor. Kind, sensitive Cancer will admire his dedication and his desire to care for others.

Winning Quintus’ heart requires some hard work of the player’s own, since they must complete two fairly arduous quests: retrieving the White Phial from a perilous dungeon, and then finding the components to repair it. For the sign of the crab, though, Quintus is well worth the effort.

8 Leo: Camilla Valerius

Leos can’t shy away from a competition, and as the most desirable woman in Riverwood, Camilla is just that. After returning the Golden Claw to the Riverwood Trader, the Dragonborn can beat out Sven and Faendal in the race for Camilla’s hand.

Generous, magnanimous Leos love making grand gestures, and Camilla’s longing for a different life gives this sign an opportunity to do just that. A Leo player is only too eager to sweep her off her feet and carry her away to a faraway city or idyllic country estate.

7 Virgo: Balimund

Riften’s resident blacksmith may seem gruff at first glance, but underneath he’s kind, caring, and hardworking—everything a Virgo looks for. This sign will admire Balimund’s diligence and dedication to his work and his adopted child Asbjorn.

Winning Balimund over isn’t difficult. The player must provide him with ten fire salts to stoke his forge, after which he’ll treat them as a friend. With the gentle nature beneath his tough exterior, he shows the tender love and care that makes a Virgo open up their heart.

6 Libra: Vilkas

Vilkas is an interesting character: intelligent and strategic, yet at times hotheaded and angry. This complexity appeals to Libra, a sign that craves balance and desires to help others find harmony. He’s well-spoken and eager to answer questions, satisfying this sign’s love of deep conversation.

Because the player must complete the Companion questline before wedding him, there is plenty of time for the Dragonborn and Vilkas to bond. This is also appealing to Libras, since they prefer deep and meaningful relationships rather than impulsive ones.

5 Scorpio: Brelyna Maryon

An apprentice at the College of Winterhold, Brelyna is closed off at first. However, if the player treats her like an equal, her guard will ease. Inquisitive Scorpios enjoy getting people to open up, and Brelyna provides that challenge and reward.

This sign respects intelligence and honesty, two of Brelyna’s defining traits. To marry her, the player must agree to act as her guinea pig in magical experiments. However, for a Scorpio, being temporarily turned into a bear is a small price to pay for Brelyna’s loyal affection.

4 Sagittarius: Aela the Huntress

Adventurous and restless, Sagittarius players won’t be content with a spouse who sits at home all day. They need someone who will join them on their quests, follow them as they roam the land. Fierce, energetic Aela fits this description to the letter.

Widely regarded as one of the best followers in the game, Aela makes a fantastic choice for players who want an adventuring partner as their spouse. Since Sagittarians aren’t content to settle down, a life of exploring and fighting alongside a beautiful Companion wife holds doubtless appeal.

3 Capricorn: Anwen

The sign of the goat respects tradition, a value that Anwen embodies as a priestess of Dibella and keeper of ancient ritual. She’s dedicated to her duties at Markarth’s temple, a quality that hardworking Capricorn respects and admires.

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Anwen’s personality and dialogue aren’t generic; she has a kind of fire that’s a good balance for a stoic sign like Capricorn. Marrying Anwen requires completing a tricky quest—but since Capricorns prefer to express affection through action, this mission serves as an opportunity to win her heart.

2 Aquarius: Ysolda

Via: Postcards From Skyrim

Sociable, enterprising, and independent, Ysolda is exactly what Aquarius looks for in a partner. She’s inquisitive and open-minded, looking to befriend the Khajiit merchants out of business interest as well as her own curiosity. Her friendly and talkative nature appeals to Aquarians’ love of conversation, and they’ll respect her for her open mind, a rare quality among Skyrim’s Nords.

Ysolda is ambitious, her sights always set on the next big thing. As innovators, big thinkers, and witty conversationalists, Aquarians will admire Ysolda’s forward thinking.

1 Pisces: Onmund

Individualistic Pisceans respect those who break the mold. As a Nord who’s chosen to study magic, Onmund does just that, pursuing his dreams despite family disapproval. Gentle, intuitive Pisces will be drawn to Onmund’s quiet complexity.

The sign of the fish is a dreamer, and tends to need someone to ground them. Onmund, dedicated to his studies despite adversity, has a down-to-earth worldview that serves as a good balance for Pisces. Yet, as a mage, he also appeals to this sign’s fascination with the mystical and supernatural.

NEXT: Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them)


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