CD Projekt Red, the development team behind Cyberpunk 2077, which is perhaps known more for its rocky launch than the story and gameplay within, has just released patch 1.10 for the game on PlayStation 4 as well as PlayStation 5 through backward compatibility. The update is aimed at fixing many of the issues that have plagued the open world game since it was released, such as frequent crashing and many gameplay elements not functioning properly, in the hopes of giving Cyberpunk 2077 a second life.
While a lot of people who purchased Cyberpunk 2077 for the PlayStation 4 have returned their copy of the game, and despite the fact that a lucky few may have managed to keep their copy of Cyberpunk 2077 after returning it, this patch seems aimed at slowing or stopping those returns by making the game more playable. Also addressed in the 1.10 patch are some of the more meme-able issues that Cyberpunk 2077 has had, such as characters simply disappearing mid-scene, doors not functioning, and invisible walls.
Aside from fixing those common, comical issues in Cyberpunk 2077, the patch also aims at fixing some of the more frustrating problems present in the massive open world role playing game. Notes for the patch detail several instances where quest prompts simply would not spawn, an unexpected player action might cause needed elements of a mission to not function properly, and even an issue where an achievement would not unlock. These have all been fixed with patch 1.10.

Since Cyberpunk 2077’s troubled release, many people have expressed hope for Cyberpunk 2077 once the bugs and glitches are taken care of, and this patch looks like it’s a step in the right direction for its future playability and lifespan. While the work isn’t finished yet, CD Projekt Red seems to be taking the time to iron out the biggest problems in Night City and getting fans closer to the game that was promised in early trailers and press releases.
Other games have gone through similar journeys with their releases; most similarly 2016’s No Man’s Sky. The space faring adventure disappointed fans and critics upon its initial release, but has since saved its reputation with patches and updates. Even with some defending the release of Cyberpunk 2077, with this newest patch totalling 16.9GB, it appears CD Projekt Red is prepared to give their game the same overhaul that No Man’s Sky once received from its developer.
While many have enjoyed seeing some of the more bizarre and humorous glitches Cyberpunk 2077 has given the world, most fans should be happy to see that the developers are determined to make the futuristic role playing game into the triple-A title it was once expected to be. Full patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077 1.10 are listed below.
Various stability improvements including:
- Memory usage improvements in various systems within the game: characters, interactions, navigation, in-game videos (news, tv, etc.), foliage, laser effects, minimap, devices, AI, street traffic, environmental damage system, GPU-related, and more.
- Various crash fixes (related to, among others, loading saves, game opening/closing and Point of No Return).
Quests/Open World
- Fixed an issue where calls from Delamain would end immediately and seem like they cannot be picked up in Epistrophy.
- Fixed an issue where players would not receive calls from Delamain when approaching relevant vehicles in Epistrophy.
- Fixed an issue where the objective could get stuck on “Answer the call from Mr. Hands” in M’ap Tann Pèlen.
- Fixed an issue where Judy could teleport underground in Pyramid Song.
- Fixed an issue where it would be impossible to talk to Zen Master in Poem of The Atoms.
- Fixed an issue where Takemura wouldn’t call in Down on the Street.
- Fixed an issue where Jackie could disappear in The Pickup.
- Fixed an issue where it could be impossible to get out of the car in The Beast in Me: The Big Race.
- Fixed an issue where players could stop receiving calls and messages after moving too far away from A Day In The Life area.
- Fixed an issue where opening the package wouldn’t update Space Oddity.
- Retro-fixed the saves affected by a rare issue where speaking to Judy in Automatic Love would be impossible due to an invisible wall. The underlying issue is under investigation.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from collecting the reward in Gig: Freedom of the Press. The quest will auto-complete for those who could not collect the reward previously, and the reward will be provided automatically.
- Fixed an issue where Delamain would remain silent throughout Epistrophy if the player initially refused to help him.
- Fixed an issue where prompt for exiting braindance could be missing.
- Removed an invalid item from loot.
- Fixed an issue where a grenade’s trajectory could be displayed in photo mode.
- Fixed particles’ hue appearing pink when viewed close up.
- Fixed cars spawning incorrectly in Reported Crime: Welcome to Night City
- Fixed an issue where completing one of the assaults in progress in Santo Domingo would sometimes not contribute towards progression for The Jungle achievement, preventing its completion.
- Addressed the issue responsible for saves getting oversized (related to the modifier indicating if the item is crafted), and trimmed the excess size from already existing saves.
- Fixed an issue where input could stop registering upon opening the weapon wheel and performing an action.
- Fixed an issue where the “Continue” button in the Main Menu could load an end game save.
- Performance optimization of crowds on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5.
- Various crash fixes on PlayStation 4.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions in development.
Source: CD Projekt Red

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