Diablo 4 Should Introduce More Lovecraftian Enemies | Game Rant

The very name of the Diablo series tells players plenty about what to expect out of the game’s enemies. The formula of pitting players against demonic forces has carried the franchise for many years. With the rise of Lilith in Diablo 4, odds are that there will probably be even more kinds of demons for the player to fight through. The diverse legion of demons that Blizzard has come up with over the years certainly manages to channel the franchise’s dark fantasy style. However, although the game is sure to keep to the central theme of demonic forces, there’s room for Blizzard to add something new to Diablo 4.

It’s been eight years since Diablo 3 came out, so Blizzard has had a fair amount of time to think about what it wants to do with the IP next. After the climatic battle between the High Heavens and the forces of hell in Diablo 3, Blizzard could consider introducing other supernatural forces to keep the stakes high. That puts Lovecraftian monstrosities on the table. There’s a lot that Diablo 4 and the whole Diablo franchise would get out of such a change. A newfound threat would keep the setting fresh, adding more variety to combat and setting up narratives for down the line.

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Diablo games have generally been very fixated on the titular demon and the other powerful demons in his orbit, whether they’re his allies or his enemies. In one way or another, the player gets involved in their machinations and must fight off the legions of hell. Demons are tried and true fantasy enemies that everything from Dungeons & Dragons to The Legend of Zelda makes use of. However, most long-term franchises that incorporate demons mix in other kinds of supernatural forces as well. Diablo‘s identity is built pretty exclusively around demons.

While that makes the brand recognizable, it also means Blizzard runs the risk of making the IP stale. Even if every game finds a new take on Diablo‘s themes of fire and brimstone, some fans might tire of seeing the aesthetic repeated. That’s why introducing new horrors will keep the games feeling fresh. Even if eldritch horrors only remain fringe enemies compared to the main threat of Lilith, they’ll offer a breather for players who have just carved through enough fiends to last a lifetime. It could make for a compelling subplot in the campaign too.

There’s lots of room for more mysterious creatures in Diablo‘s lore. For instance, it could be that a world filled with alien monsters was once held at bay by the High Heavens. Now that they’ve been severely weakened by demonic attack, creatures from another world might leak into Sanctuary and start to wreak their own havoc. With so many supernatural forces in disorder after Diablo’s fall and the ruin of the High Heavens, a third party faction like Lovecraftian beings would add another interesting complication to the narrative. Diablo has lots of rich lore, and this would only add to it.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls demonstrates the value of adding new antagonists to Diablo. Malthael was a daunting and sinister antagonist, but he wasn’t a demon — he was an angel. This was a very different kind of challenge for players. The fallen angels and Reapers that served as Malthael’s minions made for a more complicated but equally intimidating group of enemies compared to Diablo’s army. What’s more, revisiting the High Heavens helped the narrative by contrasting brutal combat with a supposedly holy setting. Uncanny situations like that are valuable when creating dark fantasy.

If Diablo 4 introduced eldritch horrors from another plane of existence, odds are that players would get the chance to visit their realm, even to some limited degree. The mind-boggling and unsettling kind of horror offered by settings in the style of Lovecraft would be a strong contrast to the gore and cruelty associated with demons. Facing down hordes of squamous tentacled creatures or unpredictable shapeshifting hulks also communicates Diablo‘s tone in its own way. Such eldritch horrors could get unique magical abilities or randomized mechanics that make them hard to predict and always fresh to fight. Whether creatures like these became campaign detours or high-level postgame content, it would give Blizzard a more diverse setting.

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One more value of adding enemies like these is that it could help carry the franchise forward into a new age. The game looks like it’s being developed with a lot of nostalgia, since a lot of the classes come from Diablo 2 and not Diablo 3. It’s already been said that Diablo has a long future ahead of it — Diablo 4 isn’t the end. This game will probably set events into motion for Blizzard’s further games on the franchise. Introducing new threats to Sanctuary gives Blizzard more narratives to work with in order to keep the franchise alive long-term. Diablo is a classic threat, but is he’s the only antagonist the series ever focuses on, Sanctuary might not feel like it’s in much danger forever.

Pitting simple class concepts like the Sorceress and the Barbarian against new, complicated enemies will show how far the franchise has come. Diablo 4 should demonstrate that it’s a stepping stone if that’s what Blizzard wants it to be. After all, expanding into some Lovecraftian themes doesn’t have to be the end for Diablo‘s forays into more genres. Such a chance would just demonstrate that Blizzard is open to new ideas, and that Diablo will continue to grow as the series goes on.

Diablo used to be a franchise whose entries were few and far between. Now, after supporting Diablo 3 with regular expansions and updates for several years, Blizzard is moving onto the next game. That makes it look like Blizzard wants to invest much more into Diablo than it used to. If it’s going to build a future for the franchise, it needs to look into what can keep the series compelling with every new entry. Diablo has lots of expansive lore and a wide range of enemies, but both can still be expanded upon. Hopefully Diablo 4 shows up with some fresh ideas.

Diablo 4 is in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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