There are several different kinds of precious gems that players can pick up in Skyrim, including sapphires. While sapphires themselves are fairly easy to find out in the world, the higher-end versions are far rarer. But there are several locations that Skyrim players can find Flawless or Exquisite versions of this beautiful blue gem stone.
While standard versions of gems can be pickpocketed, mined, or found as loot, the Flawless and Exquisite versions are few and far between. But if players are looking to complete certain quests, like Madesi’s quest for Flawless Sapphires, or to make gorgeous jewelry to woo the person they would like to marry in Skyrim, they will need to track down the better versions of sapphires.
For those playing Skyrim in 2021, they may be wondering where to get those better sapphires. Flawless Sapphires are only located in a handful of places in Tamriel, and Exquisite Sapphires can only be found in one single location. While players can’t really “farm” for these items, they can at least grab enough to fulfill quests and maybe make a little cash too.
After players give Glover Mallory her letter, they can find an Exquisite Sapphire in the Skyrim Thieves’ Guild sapphires. While it is touted as a unique item in the game, the letter to Mallory respawns, allowing players to get more than one of these immensely rare gems.
If nothing else, players can make some ridiculously expensive Skyrim jewelry in the game for themselves.

In order to have the best chance of finding Flawless Sapphires, players can get the perk Prowler’s Profit. This perk can only be gotten by completing the quest No Stone Unturned; it greatly increases a player’s chance of finding the Flawless kind. But, whether or not players have this useful perk, they can find Flawless Sapphires in several locations around Skyrim.
- Inner Sanctum, Temple of Dibella in Markarth – on a bookshelf
- Mara’s Eye Den – look on the table next to the Smuggler’s Journal
- Korvanjund – after completing the quest The Jagged Crown, a sapphire will be in a bowl on a bookcase next to the throne.
- Near the entrance to the Inner Sanctum – look for a skeleton (only if Dawnguard is installed)
- Aetherium Forge – at the end, there are two Flawless Sapphires (only if Dawnguard is installed)
- A shipwreck east of Winterhold – in a chest with the missing helmet
- Pickpocket Mercer Frey
Keep in mind that most of these will respawn in about one to two weeks of in-game days.
Skyrim is available to play now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
Source: ElderScrollsFandom, Gamespot, Reddit

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