10 Bad Habits New Players Create When Starting Rocket League (& How To Avoid Them)

Originally released in 2015, Psyonix’s Rocket League has become a dominant force in the online gaming market, as well as a prominent feature of the Esports scene. The game’s success, along with its recent switch to a modern free-to-play model, has resulted in frequent influxes of new players.

Another reason why the game is so successful is that Psyonix has done an excellent job of implementing an easy to pick up, difficult to master balance into its gameplay. Professional Rocket League players make flying around the arena and pulling of breathtaking saves look like a breeze; though new players will soon realize just how much skill this takes, as they fly straight past the ball for the fifth time in a row.

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There is, of course, no shame in being at this level when first playing the game. This guide aims to help players who have recently downloaded the vehicular soccer game, by highlighting the most common mistakes that new players make.

10 Frequently Chasing The Ball

By far the most common mistake that new players make is constantly trying to hit the ball, with little consideration as to the purpose of doing so or the direction that the ball is heading. The best way to explain this is by imagining the sport that Rocket League is loosely based on, soccer. If a game took place between Team Red and Team Blue, and Team Red’s game plan was for all of their players to constantly chase the ball, then it would only take one or two passes from Team Blue to find some space and score.

Instead of simply chasing the ball, it’s important to think about where it tactically makes sense to be. When playing solo, for example, players mustn’t over-commit as it will leave their goal exposed; while in team modes, players need to note the position of their teammate(s) and think about what they can do to help them by either providing defensive cover or offensive assistance.

9 Not Communicating With Teammates

Another parallel between Rocket League and the real sport is the importance of communicating with teammates. Rocket League is a fast-paced game, with a camera that is designed to show the player’s car, not the entire arena. Therefore, it is essential to communicate with teammates, as it’s impossible to know where they are at all times. Not making teammates aware of your presence or intentions can lead to numerous issues, most commonly two players on the same team simultaneously competing for the ball.

Unfortunately, there’s no escaping the fact that Rocket League‘s player base can be extremely toxic at times. It’s important, therefore, for players to take into consideration whether online banter or abuse will affect them; if so, playing solo and disabling chat is probably their best bet to enjoy the game.

8 Constantly Boosting

Boosting is one of the most essential mechanics in Rocket League. Not only is it important in ensuring that players keep up with the speed of their opponent(s), but it is also essential for protecting the goal. Aerial play is another factor that makes boosting essential, though this isn’t something that new players need to worry too much about.

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Another important consideration of boosting is that players should always keep an eye out for available 100% Boost Pads. Players must be wary, however, of where the ball is when going out of their way for a Boost Pad; as carelessly diverting to the side of the arena can result in the ball hitting the back of their net.

7 Trying To Do Pro-Level Tricks

Pro Rocket League players may make the game look extremely simple, but performing some of their maneuvers can take years of practice.

The most common occurrence of this happening is lower-ranked players trying to perform aerial moves. Aerial moves are extremely common among top players, and completely shift the game’s dynamic. For this reason, many lower-ranked players will try to emulate the moves that they’ve seen others perform, only to use all of their boosts and fall flat on their back. To give themselves the best chance of winning, it’s important that players know their limitations, and play to their strengths.

6 Not Utilizing The Training Mode

Following on from the previous point, practicing offline can massively improve a player’s ability and eventually their ranking. As mentioned before, aerial maneuvers are something that new players are keen to learn but they will struggle to do so in the environment of an online game. Thankfully, Psyonix has implemented a Training mode for this very reason. Along with Free Play that gives players unlimited time and space to work on their game, there are also offline and online training packs that are specifically designed to improve certain abilities.

Playing a casual game with a friend is another great way for players to improve their skills, as it lets them work on their weaknesses in a pressureless game environment.

5 Trying To Score With Every Touch

If a game of basketball was taking place and one player constantly took a shot every time they touched the ball, regardless of their position on the court, it’s safe to say that they wouldn’t be playing in the NBA anytime soon. Many new players fall into this trap in Rocket League, and it significantly harms their chances of winning games.

Granted, the aim of the game is to simply score more goals than the opponent, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one way to go about it. In Solo, constantly shooting can leave players exposed to counter-attacks; while in standard or doubles, it makes life hard for the player’s teammates who are (in theory) there to assist them.

4 Not Trusting Teammates

Speaking of teammates, it’s important that players trust their fellow vehicles in doubles and standard. Granted, this is sometimes difficult to do at the lower levels, as teammates will often miss the ball or make mistakes; however, it is still important to trust them, as although it will cost a few goals along the way, it will get players into a good habit that will become essential when rising through the ranks.

One player failing to trust their teammates can be detrimental to the entire team, as two players going for the same ball will leave huge spaces for the opposition to exploit if they’re well organized.

3 Undervaluing Demolitions

The demolition mechanic is often dismissed by new players as simply being a gimmick or something that people do if they want revenge on a certain player. This is fundamentally false though, as demolitions can give teams a huge tactical advantage. With the pace that Rocket League is played at, being taken out of the game for even a few seconds can be disastrous, and gives the opposition a golden opportunity to score.

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Demolitions are particularly important in Solo, making it essential that players constantly acknowledge their opponent’s position to ensure that they aren’t making a mad dash straight towards them.

2 Not Taking Car Shape Into Consideration

Although it may seem obvious, it’s important to note that each car has a different hitbox, and therefore offers varying strengths and weaknesses. For example, Octane shaped cars are very agile, while the Dominus style offers stability. It’s worth players giving every type of car a few tries to ensure that they can select the car that is best suited for their style of play.

Furthermore, when choosing a car to use long-term, it’s best to stick with it even when things aren’t going well; as changing models means adjusting to new hitboxes, which can take some getting used to.

1 Becoming Overly Frustrated

Rocket League, like many online games, has a ranking system that will place players in lobbies that consist of players who are at their skill level. Because of this, most players will lose about 50% of their games.

Players who aren’t willing to accept the numerous losses that await them will frequently find themselves becoming frustrated or even angry when playing Psyonix’s game. As well as making the game unenjoyable, becoming frustrated will harm a player’s ability during a match, as they will be more inclined to make rash decisions that could cost them the game.

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