10 Things The PlayStation 5 Exclusive Demo, Maiden, Tells Us About Resident Evil: Village

Capcom, and more specifically the Resident Evil series, still puts out demos for players to experience before the final product comes out. Resident Evil 7 included a special teaser utilizing content not meant for the main game.

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The upcoming mainline entry, Resident Evil: Village, is doing the same thing with Maiden, a PlayStation 5 exclusive demo detailing events prior to Ethan Winters’ journey. Even though the demo is extremely short (coming in at less than twenty minutes), finally playing some of the new Resident Evil tells fans a lot about the upcoming title, including tidbits about the gameplay as well as the story.

10 That Dungeon From The Trailer

The trailer features Ethan Winters, the protagonist from Resident Evil 7, walking through what looks like a dungeon. This is where the demo starts. After escaping this opening area, players find themselves inside the castle, another area seen in trailers. We now know that the dungeon is directly beneath the castle, and acts as a prison and holding area of sorts for whatever the castle’s owners plan for victims. While a hauntingly beautiful environment, most players would like to leave it immediately.

9 Movement

While there is no combat in Maiden, just finally being able to move around tells us a lot about the gameplay. So far, it does not seem like the moment to moment interaction with the world differs wildly from what players did in Resident Evil 7. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however. Resident Evil 7 is only the first game in the series to go into first-person, so another entry following this style closely will not feel tiring.

8 Only Women In The Castle

The trailers heavily imply this, but Maiden all but confirms that only women inhabit the castle. The apparent villains are all female, and they appear to only hire women.

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Why the castle is like this remains a mystery, but human sacrifice might have something to do with it. Of course, being Resident Evil, we expect some sort of explanation tied to parasites, a disease, or an experiment by an evil corporation.

7 The Castle Makes Wine

Several letters are spread throughout the castle, giving out tidbits of lore. According to one note, the castle, called Castle Dimitrescu, is known for making a signature brand of wine. This has been going on since the 15th century. The maidens seem to have something related to their special recipe, though it is hard to believe the family could sell wine tainted with blood in the 21st century without getting into serious trouble.

6 The Dimitrescu Family Drinks Blood

In the main room of the castle, there is a teacup players can pick up and observe. Move it around to see the bottom of the cup is covered with a red stain. It does not take too big of a leap to deduce this as blood. Resident Evil is filled with spooky, gross things, so villains drinking blood is not too far fetched. Why they do this is a whole other mystery. Do they actually need to drink blood, or is it just a ritual? Maybe they do it to keep young, like Elizabeth Bathory was said to have done with her victims.

5 Maidens Are Being Used For Something

One letter details a list of rejects and candidates. All of the names are those of women. While it could be for some other reason, one is led to believe these women are being sacrificed. Another diary by a worker in the castle talks about a missing worker and her increased fear of the people living in the castle. Are all of these women gone by the time Ethan Winters heads to the castle, or will players be interacting and saving these poor souls?

4 It’s Going To Be Scary

Resident Evil used to be the king of gaming scares, but it traded some of it for action from Resident Evil 4 onward. Fortunately, Resident Evil 7 brought the fears back into the equation. The Resident Evil 2 remake similarly focused on horror over action. It looks like Resident Evil Village is set to continue off of the 2017 title. Playing Maiden reveals a dedication to a haunting atmosphere. The dungeon is creepy, and the room before the courtyard reveals a brutally cold climate, something known to increase tension.

3 The Residents Of The Castle Might Not Be Able To Go Outside

One letter from a worker in the castle tells about an event where she opened a window and was immediately scolded. Either the owners of the castle are extremely particular, or they are not able to go outside. Many have been referring to Lady Dimitrescu, the giant gray-tinted woman, as a vampire, and this would lend credence to the theory if she really was unable to leave the castle. It would also explain why she wears a giant hat.

2 The Castle Has Mansion Vibes

The idea of setting a Resident Evil game in a village calls to mind Resident Evil 4, whose first act takes place in a small Spanish village.

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However, the time spent with Maiden in the castle gives off some serious Spencer Mansion vibes. Spencer Mansion, of course, was the setting of the debut entry from 1996. Similarly, fans should expect a slew of puzzles to solve when unlocking different rooms of this giant castle.

1 Lady Dimitriscu Has Claws Like The Tyrant

The demo has a brutal ending. Right when the character opens the door to the courtyard, Lady Dimitrescu ambushes her and ends the poor soul’s life. Before Lady Dimitrescu kills her, she reveals long claws coming out of her hand. This is oddly similar to the Tyrant from the first Resident Evil. Perhaps this antagonist is another Tyrant, only more sentient. Whatever the case, we are simultaneously excited and terrified to face off against her in the full game on May 7th.

Next: 5 Best Cinematics In Resident Evil (And 5 That You Should Skip)


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