Even though 2020 was rocked with the coming of the new generation consoles with the PS5 and Xbox Series X, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any new consoles for the next seven or so years. There are plenty of third-party companies that want to either jump into the console scene, or return to it after a long slumber.
Some of these consoles coming in 2021 have dates and or vague timelines when they are supposed to release. Then there are some of these consoles that are just here based on guesses and or theories from rumors. It should also be noted that due to the pandemic, there might be some delays afoot too.
8 Nintendo Switch Pro

The original Switch debuted in 2017 with 2019 being the year of the Switch Lite. Given this two year cycle it would seem natural to see yet another revision to Nintendo’s high selling console in 2021. Will it be a Switch Pro or just a simple revision? It’s hard to say but rumors have been flying about this for what seems like years now so something will seemingly happen this year at least.
7 Game Gear Micro

Sega launched the Game Gear Micro in Japan on October 6 last year and it came in four colors priced around $50. The black version included Sonic the Hedgehog, Outrun, Royal Stone, and Puyo Puyo 2. The blue version included Sonic Chaos, Sylvan Tale, Gunstar Heroes, and Baku Baku Animal. The yellow version included Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei Jashin no Kuni he, Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya, Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict, and Nazopuyo Aruru no Ru.
The red version included Columns, The GG Shinobi, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special, and Revelations: The Demon Slayer. There’s no word yet on a North American release but fingers crossed as this year is the 30th anniversary of its launch here come April.
6 Playdate

The Playdate was announced all the way back in May 2019. It was supposed to launch last year but got held back for obvious reasons. It looks like a Game Boy but with a crank. That’s the big gimmick to this console which will function as part of the control scheme. This should be good for fishing games, but what else? For those curious expect it sometime in early 2021 and it will cost $149.
5 Intellivision Amico

This was also supposed to launch last year. Now, the Intellivision brand is older than even the NES so even the most hardcore gamers might not recognize it. The control setup is similar to the original with the dual controllers looking like iPods although this is far more advanced. It will launch on April 15 for $249 and games will only go as high as $10. It will have two standard colors, white and black, but there will also be limited editions of wood, purple, and red colors too.
4 Polymega

This console’s big gimmick are its modules. The base unit will come with one controller, cost $400 and will be able to play PS1, Sega Saturn, Sega CD, TurboGrafx-CD, and Neo Geo CD games. These games can even be downloaded onto the system itself from the hard copy. There will also be these modules for sale, like the NES adapter, that docks into it. This, and the others available at launch, will cost $79 apiece.
3 KFConsole

It’s hard to believe but KFC wants to get into the gaming space. It is unknown what this console will be capable of in terms of what games it will play.
Will it be streaming only? It does look like it has a disc slot on the front. On the website it does have some details like VR ready capabilities, Ray Tracing, 240fps, and 4K. It also has a chicken warmer which may make one think this while console is a joke but it is apparently very real.
2 Game Boy Micro+

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Game Boy Advance’s launch in both Japan and North America. This is a huge anniversary so one can expect Nintendo to celebrate in some fashion. Why put out a mini console again? Simple. They want to mirror the Sega Game Gear Micro from last year. They might take this as a sign of war to let Sega release a handheld smaller than there’s unopposed. They released the Game Boy Micro as a challenge to themselves to create a tiny portable that worked and it certainly did. Its release was limited though so putting it back out would be a cool way to get fans that missed it the first time another chance.
1 PS4 Super Slim

The last revision Sony made to the PS3 was called the Super Slim. Even though the company has been having a rough time keeping up with PS5 demands let alone PS4s of all varieties, the possibility of a new revision for the PS4 with this name is in the cards. If they made a simpler box priced at a more affordable price that was digital only for about $150, it might be a worthy investment for those still on the fence. This realistically has a low chance of happening, but PlayStation history does show anything is possible. As a reminder, KFC is making a console.
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