10 Bad Habits New Players Create When Starting Counter Strike: Global Offensive (& How To Avoid Them)

Back when Valve was more competitive about making video games, they released one of the most genre-defining titles ever and from that game, Counter-Strike was seemingly pulled out like an extra rib and became its own thing. Now, it’s a staple of the e-sports scene and is currently making more waves than Half-Life.

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With how popular Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is these days, there’s also bound to be no shortage of new players. New players then mean mistakes tend to be made in many games and in such a ruthless multiplayer game that’s more sophisticated than the usual Quake-style fragfest, Counter-Strike’s elite can be unforgiving. If you’re new, you can always adjust by avoiding these newbie misplays.

10 Running And Gunning

If you’re coming from a fast-paced game like Call of Duty or even Battlefield, it’s easy to fall into old habits when playing another FPS. CS: GO, however, isn’t like that and it does respect real-world gun physics to a certain degree. Not standing still while firing at an enemy is a good way to waste ammunition or even your life in-game.

CS: GO penalizes players who fire irresponsibly and erratically. Hence, duels in CS: GO happen like Spaghetti Western quickdraws where the faster hand and reflex wins. Coming from an FPS with less realistic gun physics, it might take a while to adjust but it shouldn’t be too hard to stay still while firing your gun so you can hit your target.

9 Being Inconsiderate To Team Economy

Contrary to your initial assumptions as a newbie in CS: GO, it’s more than just wiping out the other team or doing a clutch move with a bomb. There are some underrated and less noticeable strategizing for it in the form of controlling your funds.

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That would be the money being used to purchase weapons, grenades, and armor. It’s a team pool in serious matches and usually only gets replenished each round– depending on your team’s performance. So it pays to conserve your money (no pun intended) and to not spend all of it each round especially when someone calls it out. Otherwise, it could cost you the game in the long run.

8 Not Knowing Your Enemy’s Economy

For an added layer of strategic awareness, you can also keep track of the enemy team’s money. Certain situations where they often nearly wipe each round but still win means that they’ll have lower funds in the next round and can be thrown off with a victory from your side.

The enemy team using many utilities for the round such as multiple special grenades could also mean they drained their funds for some special tactics. It lets you know when to be confident and when to be careful. Many newbies don’t take this into account.

7 Lack Of Communication

Then we have one of the most common culprits when it comes to team-related toxicity in CS: GO, lack of communication. Not telling your teammates what you’re doing or where your going or even specific enemy callouts is a good way to get wiped.

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Furthermore, going off like a soloist in a deathmatch game looking for kills when you’re not that good is a waste of slot in the team. Always communicate your intentions to your team and learn the CS: GO lingo. Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re new.

6 Treating It Like A Team Deathmatch

Speaking of running off in a blaze of self-gratification and selfish glory, don’t do that. Not in CS: GO. That’s the best way to lose a match. Going off on your own aimlessly is more damaging than whatever the enemy can throw at your team.

It makes it easy for the enemy team to pick you off and then your teammates one by one. When you do get some impulse to seek out some duels, just remember that the goal in CS: GO doesn’t revolve around wiping out the enemy team. That’s just one win condition.

5 Not Scavenging Or Swapping Weapons

Since your team economy is an important factor in deciding a long and drawn out victory strategy, every small help counts. You can help your team at the end of every round. Most players would just bunny hop at this point or admire their expensive knife skins.

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A more helpful teammate, however, will scavenge for good weapons if the enemy has better ones. This way, you can save up in case someone else already has that gun you want. Consequently, you can also swap some weapons with your teammates in case they need it better or they can’t buy what they want.

4 Not Using Peek Tactically

When watching pro players of CS: GO, imitating their mannerisms is a thing, and one such tactic that’s quite popular is peeking. Sadly, once players know they can do this, they tend to overdo it and it results in wasted opportunities or sometimes even death.

Some aggressive or impatient players even over-peek. Peeking should be reserved for tactical situations and not when you just feel like it. When used correctly, such as in baiting enemies to shoot or in duels, peeking can be devastating and is a good way to practice AWP one-taps.

3 Repeating The Same Tactic (Angle, Etc.)

Most of us are probably guilty of this crime when starting out with CS: GO. Trying the same thing over and over again such as crouching on top of a box or camping behind certain gates can get old really fast in the enemies’ eyes.

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So don’t be surprised once they adapt and start getting the jump on you. There’s no superior angle or cheap tactic in CS: GO, which is why you should keep changing your methods and the way you and your teammates ambush other players. Don’t be one-trick ponies that are easy to read. Most CS: GO games are long and drawn-out matches for this reason.

2 Moving Too Much (Noise)

There is, however, a good balance between camping and moving too much. Because sound is also a factor in detecting your enemy in CS: GO. So if you’re an impatient player who can’t stand still when there are no enemies around, then you’re just increasing your chances of being ambushed.

Enemies can hear your footsteps and some of your actions like weapon pickups so they can, in turn, stalk you. Of course, you can do the same to your enemies but don’t count on them giving you free kills.

1 Bad Gaming Peripherals

If you’re still struggling in CS: GO but you’ve been playing for a long time and haven’t committed the aforementioned mistakes, then maybe it’s time to upgrade some hardware. It doesn’t have to be a 240Hz monitor that’s more expensive than your PC.

Sometimes a gaming mouse with a good DPI and some side buttons can make a considerable difference in your aim. Having some extra buttons for easier grenade switching is also a huge help. In any case, ignoring the importance of the simplest gaming peripherals isn’t good for CS: GO; whatever you, don’t play with an Apple Magic Mouse.

NEXT: 5 Best Guns To Use In Counter Strike: Global Offensive (& 5 Worst)


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