Artist Recreates Grand Theft Auto Protagonists in HD | Game Rant

Grand Theft Auto has often been on the cutting edge of graphical fidelity. From when the first GTA launched in 1997 to when the updated version of Grand Theft Auto 5 released on the Xbox One and PS4, the games usually look impressive. However, fans often ask for HD remakes of those classic Grand Theft Auto titles. And recently, one artist showed what some of the Grand Theft Auto characters might look like with modern technology.

Of course, much of the reason that games are beloved is that Grand Theft Auto allows for free-roaming sandbox fun, and this has always been the case. And the storylines within the campaigns have also been an integral part of the success, which includes the protagonists. In wanting to create some Grand Theft Auto characters in HD, artist Hossein Diba figured that the protagonists of the games would be a good place to start.

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Because the Grand Theft Auto 5 protagonists are coming to the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, Hossein Diba focused on some of the other 3rd-person Grand Theft Auto protagonists including Claude from Grand Theft Auto 3, Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto 4,  Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Carl Johnson from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. 

There were perhaps other options to chose from, between DLC or smaller games like Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. However, the few Diba picked are likely the most popular Grand Theft Auto protagonists so far. And the HD results are rather stunning.

Along with posting a video to show off the 3D rendering, Diba also has shared multiple comparison images. Many like to debate which Grand Theft Auto game is best, and the visuals can be a part of that argument. With Diba’s work, at least now the protagonists are on the same level.

For many, seeing the characters of the popular open-world games in HD just reminds of the desire for GTA remakes. Whether it is Grand Theft Auto 4, San Andreas, or all of the above, fans have been asking for the games to be remade for years. Rockstar Games takes its time to create each of its games, often spending years to craft each experience, which is usually for the better. But in the meantime, HD remakes or remasters would be something many would appreciate.

Perhaps Rockstar could allow another developer to step in and carefully work on remastering some of the old Grand Theft Auto titles. Bluepoint is rumored to be working on Metal Gear Solid. Asking a team like that–that focuses solely on remasters–to recreate Grand Theft Auto 3 or Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, for example, would give the players what they want while freeing up Rockstar to continue working on new games.

MORE: Grand Theft Auto Dev Has 21 Year Old Bottle of GTA Wine

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