As players explore the vast open-world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, they’ll quickly find themselves gaining skill points. Aside from the obvious of allowing players to unlock skills, each skill point also increases Eivor’s power rating. Rather than using a level up system like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, this power system is how players can measure Eivor’s strength against their enemies.
Having a high enough power rating in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is important for a number of reasons, but most importantly fans should know that it directly affects combat. Two players with the exact same gear equipped fighting the exact same enemy will have vastly different experiences based on their power level. If it’s lower than the opponents, things will be very difficult, but if it’s higher than the fight should be easier.
Eivor’s power goes up by one point every time they earn a skill point, but there is a maximum to this value. Eventually, players will find themselves having unlocked every skill in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla‘s skill tree and will finally have reached the game’s current power cap.

At the moment, the official power level cap in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is 400, and this is achieved by filling out every single node in the skill tree. That said, some players have found themselves reaching power level 403 thanks to a glitch that occurred a while back ago. In certain cases, three new skills were added to the skill tree on accident, and those players that attained those skills before they were removed will find themselves left over with three extra skill points.
After reaching power level 400 (or 403 for those that encountered the glitch), players then start to earn mastery points instead. These don’t technically increase power level, but they allow for players to level up 90 more times effectively. 30 points can be put into each of the Bear, Wolf, and Raven mastery, increasing player’s hit points and melee, ranged, and assassination damage and resistance respectively. This means that there’s a sort of hidden power value of 490 that can be achieved, but it doesn’t show that way on the UI.
The best way to reach this insane level of power is to be as thorough as possible when searching the map. Players get experience from every single mystery, wealth, or artifact they find, so once all the story quests have been completed this is going to be the best way to level up. Side quests and raids also award a good amount of experience, so players should keep an eye out for those.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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