While Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a giant game with dozens of hours of content, many players assume that they have found everything by now. The game has been out for several weeks and there are plenty of players who have beaten every mission and story they have come across. It turns out that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has even more secrets left uncovered, however, as players recently came across a completely new weapon in the game, though the proper way to unlock it is still unclear.
There are many powerful weapons in the world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. One of the most useful weapon types is the bow, which deals significant damage while Eivor keeps a good distance from enemies. Some of the best bows in the game were thought to be Petra’s Arc Predator Bow or Skadi’s Wrath Bow. It turns out that there is another powerful bow that was well hidden until now. The Norden’s Arc bow is acquired by, of all things, breaking a pile of stones.
Norden’s Arc is a bow that some players found on accident, but now many are using this accidental method to obtain their own copy of this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla secret. This was one weapon that was supposedly leaked, along with a few other weapons, but nobody was sure it actually existed. To find this hidden weapon, players must make their way to the northeast tip of Eurviscire. From there, Eivor must swim across the giant lake and make their way to a small island.
The trick to getting this secret Valhalla bow is sort of a puzzle and involves a sparkly rock on the island that is unbreakable no matter which weapons players try. Players must hit the rock several times, then save and reload their game. They then hit the rock, save, and reload the game again. This is repeated until the player loads into the world to find a destroyed rock site and a notification that the bow has been added to their inventory.
Norden’s Arc is an incredibly useful bow to get. Aside from its mythical status and having seven of ten upgrades already completed, it has a powerful ability. Players will deal more damage when they are farther away from the target, making it useful when trying to snipe enemies from any far distance. The exact damage is not listed, but players have experimented and found it to deal quite a lot more damage than other bows.
It does look like this method of acquiring the bow is not the designed way to find it. Many players are now trying to discover the exact intended method, but for now players can use this exploit to get their hands on this powerful weapon and then move on to other, easier to find items—like Odin’s mythical spear Gungnir. There is no mention of this being a bug that will be patched at some point, but players should try to get the weapon as soon as possible in case it does go away.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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