Hitman 3 Players Complete Level in Just 9 Seconds | Game Rant

Hitman 3 unleashes Agent 47 back into the gaming world with a slew of new challenges set across the globe. With the game having so many metrics for measuring the perfect gun-for-hire, speed plays a big factor in determining how good of an assassin Agent 47 is. Add this to an already dedicated Hitman speedrunning community and it should come as no surprise that an incredible world record has been set.

Last week, players were able to show off their quickness by beating Hitman 3‘s first mission in 17 seconds. With the added time to iron out the kinks in an already stunning speedrun, the record has nearly been halved with the new time to beat at 9 seconds.

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Speedrunners Wreak and Der_Lauch_Linus now both stand as the current record holders in what can only be described as a mesmerizing run at Hitman 3‘s Dubai Level. Equipped with only a gun and Agent 47’s stunning suit, the runners have shown what a true gung ho assassination attempt can look like. Below is Der_Lauch_Linus’ run accompanied by the runner’s reaction at achieving the 9 second completion time.

Just by watching the extremely short video above, it’s clear that those wanting to try the maneuver in Hitman 3 will need be to be skilled. While this might lead to the quickest assassination, it doesn’t necessarily make it the cleanest one. This is because the means to acquire the right timing requires an aggressive technique to force the target out into the open and into the right position by forcing Agent 47 to make a spectacle out of himself. Through very noticeable gun shots fired out in the open as the level begins, Agent 47 is immediately identified by onlookers. Thus, the “Silent Assassin” rank is impossible to achieve. The previously mentioned 17 second run actually does manage to achieve the elusive rank, albeit in almost double the time it takes in these new record runs.

As is the case with any world record speedrun, to pull off the trick requires a level of precision that most players just won’t be able to achieve. In the run, Der_Lauch_Linus only need to fire three shots to clear the mission. The first is simply to get the attention of the targets, with the next two being very smooth headshots. Once the targets are out commission, the runner simply had to saunter back to the entrance of the level which is only meters away.

With the Dubai level likely sitting at its near optimized run when focusing on speed, the runners will likely take the challenge to Hitman 3‘s other level locations. With Hitman 3 having a very successful launch in both digital and physical sales, there are going to be a lot of logic defying runs that keep the legend of Agent 47 alive.

Hitman 3 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series consoles.

MORE: Hitman 3 Saw Biggest Digital Launch in Franchise History

Source: Dualshockers


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