Motorsport Games has worked on a few officially licensed NASCAR racing titles over the years, such as the NASCAR Heat series. However, the Nintendo Switch has not seen any NASCAR games in the near four-year lifecycle of the hybrid console. That looks to be changing very soon.
Speaking with Motorsport.com, Chief Executive Officer of Motorsport Games Dmitry Kozko discussed plans for the developer in 2021 and beyond. Multiple NASCAR games are set to be released or built upon in 2021, he said, but on top of that the team is actively working on bringing NASCAR to the Switch.
Specifically, Kozko said he is excited to be releasing the first NASCAR game to the Switch for multiple reasons. Among them is the idea that the Nintendo Switch usually reaches a younger demographic. Since some of the NASCAR audience is younger as well, reaching that Venn diagram may prove useful for Motorsport Games. Among Us sold over three million copies in less than a month on the Switch, so the right game can certainly post big numbers.

As far as racing games on the Nintendo Switch, there are some options, but the platform could always use more. What the specific game will be on Switch is yet to be determined, though it could be the next NASCAR Heat, which will likely be NASCAR Heat 6. It could also be an entirely different and unique game to the Switch, as sometimes developers will make Nintendo-exclusive titles. Although the interview mostly discusses 2021 plans, it was not confirmed whether or not the NASCAR Switch game would be ready this year.
Source: Motorsport

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