Dark Souls 2: 10 Most Useful Rings To Equip For A Single-Ring Challenge Run

FromSoftware’s so-called Soulsborne franchise is predominantly recognized for two things: its punishing difficulty, and lack of hand-holding. These two factors have played a huge part in the success of the games and offered players an alternative to the increasingly simplistic adventure titles that were becoming the norm when Demon’s Souls initially released in 2009. FromSoftware’s gameplay formula has inspired tons of AAA games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in recent years, and has made the Japenese developer one of the gaming industry’s most revered.

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The punishingly tough difficulty that naturally exists in Soulsborne titles isn’t enough for some people, so challenge runs have been created by the community to make the games even harder. Dark Souls 2, which was released in 2014, has built-in rewards for some of these challenges. For example, the Illusory Ring of the Exalted is rewarded to players who complete the game without resting at a single bonfire, whereas the Illusory Ring of a Conqueror is unlocked for players who complete the game without a single death.

One challenge is the Single-Ring run. As the name suggests, the run requires that players only equip one ring, rather than the maximum four. To help players out who are looking to take on this mountainous task, here are the best rings for the job.

10 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring

Players being unable to use three rings means that they need to rely on other means to give them an edge over Dark Souls 2‘s bosses and enemies. Undoubtedly the best way to gain an advantage in the game is farming souls. The Covetous Silver Serpent Ring is a great help for players looking to do this, as it causes fallen enemies to drop more souls.

There are three Covetous Silver Serpent Rings that can be obtained. The first gives players 10% more souls and can be found in a chest by the Tower Apart bonfire. The second, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1, provides 20% more souls and can be obtained by either spending 10,000 souls with Merchant Hag Melentia or simply killing her. Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +2 yields 30% more souls and can be obtained by killing Mytha, the Baneful Queen after a Bonfire Ascetic has been used on the Upper Earthen Peak bonfire.

9 Covetous Gold Serpent Ring

The Covetous Gold Serpent Ring isn’t just similar to the previous entry in name but in usage too, as it is a great choice for players looking to farm. The Gold iteration doesn’t affect souls though, it affects items.

The first Covetous Gold Serpent Ring increases item discovery by 50% and can be found on a corpse taking a lava bath in the iron keep. The second increases discovery by 75% and is obtained by either spending 10,000 souls with Magerold of Lanafiror or by killing him. Finally, Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +2 increases discovery by 100% and is obtained by killing the Belfry Gargoyles with a Bonfire Ascetic in use on the Upper Ramparts bonfire.

8 Clear Bluestone Ring

The Clear Bluestone Ring is an excellent choice for magic builds, as the ring shortens the player’s casting speed by 20%, 35%, or 55%.

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Obtaining the rings follows a similar pattern to the previous entries. The first ring is sold by Carhillion of the Fold for 2,000 souls. Clear Bluestone Ring +1 can be found in the Shaded Woods, and finally, Clear Bluestone Ring +2 is obtained by killing The Skeleton Lords with a Bonfire Ascetic used on the Undead Lockaway bonfire.

7 Ring of Blades

An excellent choice for strength builds, the Ring of Blades increases the player’s physical attack by 20, 35, or 50 depending on which of the three rings they obtain. All three rings revolve around the reappearing Pursuer boss and enemy.

The first ring is given to the player when defeating the Pursuer boss at Forest of Fallen Giants. The second is earned by killing the Pursuer who appears in the Smelter Demon’s boss room after the Demon has been defeated and the player has rested at a bonfire. Finally, the third is obtained by killing the two Pursuers in the throne room of Drangelic Castle, once a Bonfire Ascetic has been used at the King’s Gate bonfire.

6 Chloranthy Ring

For many builds, rolling is a far superior defense strategy than blocking as it allows players to hit their foe on the counter-attack. The Chloranthy Ring is a great option for players opting for this strategy, as it increases their stamina by 12.5%, 20%, or 25%.

The first ring is well hidden behind an illusionary wall in Forest of Fallen Giants. Chloranthy Ring +1 is also well hidden, as it is sat in a Shaded Woods chest. Finally, players can obtain Chloranthy Ring +2 by defeating Executioner’s Chariot with a Bonfire Ascetic in use on the Undead Purgatory bonfire.

5 Royal Soldier’s Ring

Like any RPG, it’s extremely important to wield and wear the best weaponry and equipment in Dark Souls 2, as failing to do so will result in numerous tough difficult spikes, especially during a Single-Ring challenge run. Another similarity that Dark Souls has with most other RPGs is that wearing heavy armor will significantly slow down the player’s movement speed, which can be fatal in FromSoftware’s world. The Royal Soldier’s Ring is an excellent choice to combat this, as it increases the player’s maximum load by 10%, 15%, or 20%.

The first ring is behind a breakable wall in No Man’s Wharf, the second is in a chest within Drangleic Castle, and the third is obtained by killing Velstadt, the Royal Aegis with a Bonfire Ascetic in use on the Undead Crypt bonfire.

4 Stone Ring

The Stone Ring differentiates itself from all of the previous entries on this list by only having one iteration. When equipped with the Stone Ring, players will be able to deal 30 extra poise damage.

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One of the best things about the Stone Ring is that it can be obtained within minutes of starting a new game, making it a fantastic choice for Single-Ring runs. Obtaining it is far easier said than done though, as it is dropped by the infamous Things Betwixt Ogre who is located just before the Old Firekeepers’  home.

3 Red Tearstone Ring

The difficulty of Soulsborne games has undoubtedly put every player in a situation where they have to make the classic choice of fight or flight. For the brave souls who choose to fight, the Red Tearstone Ring is an excellent choice as it increases the player’s attack by 20% when their health is below 30%.

The Red Tearstone Ring can be found in the waterlogged area of the Shaded Woods, just before the area’s King’s Gate Door that leads to Alida’s Keep.

2 Blue Tearstone Ring

Following on from the previous entry, the Blue Tearstone Ring is a great choice for those not-so-brave souls who chose the flight option. The ring also helps players whose health has dropped below 30%, this time by increasing their defense by 35%.

There are two ways to obtain the Blue Tearstone Ring. The first is by reaching rank 3 in the Way of the Blue covenant, and the second is by tracking the ring down to its hiding spot of a chest within Belfry Luna.

1 Dragon Ring

Unlike the majority of rings on this list that only affect one specific stat, the Dragon Ring affects three, making it an ideal choice for the Single-Ring challenge run. Once again, there are three rings to find; unlike the previous rings though, the Dragon Rings are literally named First, Second and Third.

The suitably named First Dragon Ring can be obtained by hitting rank 2 of the Company of Champions, it increases HP by 3%, stamina by 5%, and maximum load by 5%. The Second Dragon Ring is obtained by either killing the NPC Manscorpion Tark or by following his questline and being gifted it after defeating Duke’s Dear Freja, the ring increases HP by 5%, while stamina and maximum load are increased by 10%. Finally, the Third Dragon Ring increases HP by 7.5%, with the other two stats increasing by 12.5%; it can be found in a chest within the Dragon Shrine.

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