Steven Spielberg’s Son to Star in Horror Film ‘Honeydew’

Yellow Veil Pictures has acquired the world sales rights to Honeydew, a new horror film starring Sawyer Spielberg, son of Steven Spielberg, as the headlining actor. Along with director Devereux Milburn and producers Dan Kennedy and Alan Pierson, the film is going to start being sold in Berlin at this month’s European Film Market. A trailer for the project has debuted online to give a better sense of what audiences are in for.

Set in New England, the film stars Saywer Spielberg alongside Malin Barr and Barbara Kingsley. According to the official synopsis provided by Yellow Veil, the movie is about a young couple, portrayed by Sawyer Spielberg and Barr, who begins to suffer from hallucinations and strange cravings after taking shelter with an aging farmer and her unusual son.

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It’s a rather classic horror setup, locking the protagonists in with several individuals who are not quite as they seem. Yellow Veil Pictures is at least confident enough to try and push the film on a global stage, which gives hope that the film will be worth checking out for those interested in another backwoods horror movie.

The trailer itself begins with an unknown man running from or towards something, only to suddenly have a bear trap spring up around his ankles, setting the tone of the piece quite well. Then it moves on to the actual exposition. Sawyer Spielberg and Barr play a couple who are traveling through some underpopulated area of the country, only to have to stop and attempt to camp out for a night. Eventually, they are pointed in the direction of Kingsley’s home, who lets them in graciously.

Of course, things are immediately strange and the couple finds that there is no cell service, nor any real contact to the outside world inside this home. Kingsley is incredibly generous and sweet, but something is clearly off, and as the trailer continues there is the looming sense of something being wrong about these people and the house.

No doubt the actual answers to what is going on will be revealed when the Sawyer Spielberg and Barr film finally releases, though there’s plenty of guesses one can make just by the trailer alone. Director Millburn in particular referred to the film as a “Modern-day Hansel and Gretel story,” so surely that will give folks some idea of what to expect when they finally see the full movie.

Honeydew is expected to release on March 12th.

MORE: Tom Holland Wants to Star in a Horror Movie

Source: The Hollywood Reporter


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