The Elder Scrolls: 10 Daedric Artifacts You Might Not Know About

The Daedric Princes in The Elder Scrolls series have been around for a long time. Though they didn’t have a hand in creating Nirn, they have created some artifacts to give to those who live in it. Whether it’s for their own amusement or wanting to help those that ask for it, the Daedric Artifacts have played small and big roles in Tamrielic history.

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While there is no number to know how many Daedric Artifacts exist, many people of Tamriel know that anything can be an artifact. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here is a list of ten Daedric Artifacts that have appeared in The Elder Scrolls series.

10 Fork Of Horripilation

While this Daedric Artifact seems like any other fork one might see throughout their travels, this item is imbued with some pretty wicked enchantments. It will drain and stunt the wielder’s Magicka so they won’t be able to use any spells. The Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath, is fond of making anyone who has it wield it has a melee weapon.

The Fork of Horripilation hasn’t featured in any big events in Tamrielic history, but it still manages to cause a lot of mischief and mayhem to any unfortunate souls near it.

9 Bow Of Shadows

This bow was forged by the Daedric Prince of Night and Darkness, Nocturnal. A legendary ranger named Raerlas Ghile was granted the bow for a secret mission, but he failed. Though his mission was not a success, it is said that Raerlas took down scores of enemies with him. After this, the bow was lost. The next known appearance of the bow was during the Second Era. The Dunmer assassin, Dram, wielded it and used it to kill Prince A’tor.

The Bow of Shadows gives its wielder invisibility and increases their speed. Making this weapon perfect for assassinations and making a quick getaway.

8 Memory Wand

Another Daedric Artifact created by Sheogorath. This wand is used by him to make his victims go mad by altering, erasing, or forcing them to relive painful memories. The victims will start questioning what is real. This artifact is also powerful enough to work on the Daedric Princes and was used against Sheogorath in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

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Sheogorath used it on a Dark Elf man named Talym Rend. Talym asked the Mad God to erase his memories of his involvement with a Worm Cult ritual that required him to sacrifice his son. Instead of erasing his memories, Sheogorath altered them to make him think his son was alive and mad. Talym Rend went on various quests in hopes the Mad God would cure his son. After his memories were restored, Talym fought Sheogorath and won, and then he used the Memory Wand against him. Sheogorath admitted defeat and promised not to bother Talym Rend or his allies.

7 Shadowrend

An artifact that is associated with Sheogorath. Getting to this weapon can be a challenge for anyone wanting to get it. In The Elder IV: Oblivion, the player must go to the Grove of Reflection in the Shivering Isles, the realm of Sheogorath. The grove will “show men who they truly are” and summons a shadowy doppelganger they must defeat. The doppelgangers wield Shadowrend in battle, which can be retrieved after defeating them.

The weapon can come in two forms: a claymore or a battle axe. Both versions are very powerful and have enchantments that can do extra damage to health or cause weakness to magic.

6 Sword Of The Moon Reiver

A weapon created from the substance of Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Prince of Destruction, it is believed no other instrument can cause harm to him except the Sword Of The Moon Reiver. There are only two known wielders of this mysterious artifact.

The first known wielder was a Dark Seducer that was Mehrunes Dagon’s bodyguard and paramour. During the events of An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, an apprentice took the weapon from her and used it against Dagon. He was banished from his own realm and the Battlespire was destroyed.

5 Ring Of The Khajiiti/Khajiit

This ring is associated with Meridia, the Daedric Prince of Living Things, and Mephala, the Daedric Prince of Secrecy. It is very powerful and grants the wearer invisibility and silence, and it also increases their speed. The ring originally belonged to Mephala until it was stolen by Rajhin, a Khajiit burglar who later became the Thief God of the Khajiit. With the ring, Rahjin became the greatest thief in Elsweyr’s history.

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After using the ring’s power too freely, Rahjin was abandoned by it and exposed to his enemies. At some point in time, Meridia acquired the ring though it is unknown how.

4 Spear Of Bitter Mercy

A spear that is said to be forged by Mehrunes Dagon himself. Unlike most artifacts which tend to only have one in existence, there are multiple spears said to exist. The Daedric Prince of the Hunt, Hircine, uses one as his main weapon and most tend to associate this weapon with him.

Sheogorath is known to have one and hand it out to anyone for his own amusement. Very little is known about it other than that mortals and immortals can’t wield it. Only those chosen by Hircine, sanctified to the Hunt and bound by its rules, can wield a Spear of Bitter Mercy.

3 Daedric Crescent Blade

A blade associated with Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Crescent Blade has the power to paralyze those it strikes and make their armor weigh more. It does release a mysterious green ball of energy, but it’s unknown what the effect is. Other than this, not much is known about this blade. There were many Daedric Crescent Blades when Mehrunes Dagon tried to take the Battlespire, but most were destroyed by the Empire after he failed. One blade remained and none were able to find it.

During the events of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the blade was in possession of a Dremora named Lord Dregas Volar. The Nereverine defeated Lord Dregas and claimed it.

2 Fearstruck

This mysterious artifact was created by the Daedric Prince of Deceit and Conspiracy, Boethiah. It was wielded by the hero, Lyrisius, who fought against an Akaviri invasion. He tricked a wyrm (though some believe it might’ve been a dragon) into killing the invaders.

Boethiah granted him the shield for this accomplishment. Lyrisius fought against the dragon and the artifact was destroyed during the fight.

1 Goldbrand

An artifact created by the dragons of the North and associated with Boethiah. According to legends, it was given to a chosen knight sworn to protect the dragons. It contains the power of Boethiah and burns any being it strikes. During the Great War in the Fourth Era, it was said that Emperor Titus Mede II wielded Goldbrand during the Battle of the Red Ring. He and his army managed to take back the Imperial City from the Aldmeri Dominion.

In The Elder Scrolls: Legends, it was wielded by a Dremora, who was defeated by the Forgotten Hero. After the Forgotten Hero defeated the Dremora, the Hero took Goldbrand and impersonated Titus Mede II on his orders to lead the army into battle. Though this hasn’t been confirmed by the Imperial government or anyone else in the series.

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