LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Confirms Surprising Playable Character

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is covering a lot of ground, as the game will be giving fans access to all 9 of the franchise’s episodic films. With all this content comes plenty of opportunities for playable characters, though one addition to LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga may catch fans off guard.

Like Fortnite and Star Wars Battlefront 2, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be embracing the controversial ninth film in the series. As such, original characters from The Rise of Skywalker can be expected to join the playable roster, with Zorii Bliss and Jannah both likely to be unlocked in the game. However, the most surprising addition to the roster of the latest LEGO Star Wars game might just be the film’s droidsmith, Babu Frik.

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In the film, Babu Frik is responsible for reprogramming C-3PO, with the event serving as a major plot point of the movie. While some Star Wars fans liked The Rise of Skywalker and others despised it, few took issue with Babu Frik, as the adorable critter fit well into the universe and functioned as a solid bit of comedic relief throughout. Babu Frik will have a playable role in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, however, as he has been confirmed to be one of the 300 playable characters in the game.

In an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine, the game’s lead hub designer Dawn McDiarmid described Babu Frik as “possibly one of the cutest things [they] have ever seen.” While this makes sense given his appearance in the latest Star Wars film, his cuteness factor could be raised even further in the game due to just how small he is. The tiny Babu Frik figure should stand out from the cast of LEGO Star Wars, as well as any other character from previous LEGO video games.

No details are given as to how Babu Frik will play inside the game, though TT Games could lean into his hacking skills or simply make him a gimmick character with basic punches and kicks for attacks. Regardless, fans of the new trilogy should be happy to see the silly character make an appearance. With the rest of the interview teasing improvements like a quest system and aim-down-sight shooting mechanics that would certainly improve a certain LEGO Star Wars DLC that has been heavily requested by fans, things are looking up for the game.

Until LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga arrives, fans can kill the time by re-watching the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special. When the highly anticipated game finally arrives, it seems like players will be too busy messing with droids as Babu Frik to worry about celebrating Life Day.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Needs to Nail One Big Feature

Source: GamesRadar


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