Elon Musk recently became the richest man in the world, and he continues to use his vast wealth for all sorts of scientific experiments. Musk owns Neuralink, a neurotechnology company of top neuroscientists from around the U.S. that aims to create successful implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMI’s). In the latest test of these BMI’s, Musk has placed one inside the brain of monkey with the hope that it will be able to play a game of “mind Pong” with another monkey with a similar implant.
Elon Musk has garnered a name for himself not only through his wealth but through the mind-boggling experiments he is willing to undertake in the name of science. From launching a Tesla roadster into space via his SpaceX program to making it possible to play games like Cyberpunk 2077 in the new Tesla Model S, Musk always strives to be at the forefront of scientific innovation, regardless of how absurd some of his experiments come across. His latest experiment, using Neuralink BMIs to make monkeys play mind Pong, flirts with the absurd, but it ultimately has a greater goal in mind.
Neuralink has developed some experimental BMIs, coin sized wireless sensors, with the hope that they might be used to find a cure for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as help patients with spinal cord injuries. Neuralink has already experimented by implanting these BMIs into the brains of two pigs, and found they were able to predict the animals’ limb movements with what Musk says is “high accuracy.” So far Neuralink has only placed an implant into one monkey, but the goal is to eventually have two monkeys “play video games with [their] mind[s].”

The experimental BMI placed inside the monkey’s brain contains 3,000 electrodes capable of monitoring around 1,000 neurons and has wires that are thinner than individual hairs. Musk describes it as a “Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires.” Musk’s fascination with brain implants and the future of human and AI cooperation has also caused him to speak out about games with futuristic, technology-driven settings. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the biggest recent examples, and Elon Musk has made comments about Cyberpunk 2077 on more than one occasion.
Though Musk is the CEO and co-founder of several different companies, he often finds time to dabble in the video game industry. Musk recently allowed SpaceX to be featured in a game currently in development by Lyubomir Vladimirov called Mars Is Flat. He also praised Overwatch back in 2017 and has continued to discuss the game, recently engaging in an odd conversation with the official Overwatch Twitter account. Musk seems to enjoy video games and the industry in general, and considering he has mentioned before he might get a BMI in his own brain, he could be the first person to truly play mind games with a monkey.
Source: SkyNews

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