Television shows don’t get much more popular than South Park. Since the first episode aired in 1997, the series has attracted a large following due to its dark and satirical humor. Something that even carries over to the several video games that are based on the show.
During its long run on television, the series has featured some truly outstanding episodes. And several of the most significant ones have come right at the start of seasons. But which are the best? IMDB’s reviewers can help answer that, as these are the episodes they consider to be the show’s greatest premieres.
10 Season 6: Jared Has Aides (8.1)

In the first episode of season six, Jared Fogle (who was a spokesperson for Subway at the time) comes to South Park. His presence leads the boys to come up with an idea to get a restaurant sponsorship themselves. So, they attempt to have Butters put on then lose a bunch of weight, and credit the latter to City Wok’s food.
Elsewhere Jared tries to convey that his own weight loss was due to his aides, which everyone confuses with the disease. The misunderstanding becomes a hilarious running gag throughout. And a lot of credit should be given to the writers for getting so much mileage out of the mix-up, as it remains funny for the entire episode.
9 Season 10: The Return Of Chef (8.1)

Chef is one of several characters who have been written out of the show, and it happens during season 10’s ironically titled premiere episode. It sees the once lovable Chef return to South Park after spending time with the Super Adventure Club. While the kids are initially happy to see that the man has returned, he starts to act creepier than usual.
The character left the show because his voice actor, Isaac Hayes, had issues with how the series made fun of certain beliefs. Yet, despite the unceremonious parting, Chef’s last episode is still a strong one. Yes, he doesn’t get a heartfelt exit, but that’s in tune with the show.
8 Season 13: The Ring (8.2)

Disney is a juggernaut in the entertainment industry due to its ability to continually produce excellent movies, TV shows, and even video games. However, that doesn’t stop South Park from poking fun at the giant company. Their mocking is at it’s best during the first episode of season 13.
The episode revolves around Disney stars, The Jonas Brothers, being forced to preach abstinent to manipulate young girls. South Park’s version of Mickey Mouse is the highlight of the episode. Instead of being a wholesome fictional character, he’s a cruel, power-hungry Disney executive.
7 Season 4: The Tooth Fairy’s Tats 2000 (8.3)

When the boys find out they can make money from losing teeth, ala the Tooth Fairy, they attempt to turn it into a business. Naturally, as this is South Park, the simple premise escalates, and tooth-trading mobsters get involved.
The inclusion of the mob is funny enough, but it gets even more ridiculous when the American Dental Association starts to get suspicious about the missing teeth. This organization concludes that the culprit is a giant chicken and squirrel hybrid. South Park excels are these sort of over-the-top storylines, and this one is no different.
6 Season 5: It Hits The Fan (8.5)

South Park is rocked when someone decides to use the word s*** during a popular TV show. Everyone in town responds by continually using the curse word themselves.
The result of their actions? A deadly plague, somehow. What’s more, their foul language awakens The Knights of Standards and Practices, who try to put a stop to the virus. It’s a crazy yet very entertaining storyline. And one that no other show could execute as convincingly.
5 Season 7: Cancelled (8.5)

There have been some impressive looking aliens in media. For instance, the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise are iconic and partially responsible for several of those movies being highly-regarded. Yet, the aliens in “Cancelled” might be the most creatively designed ever. These creatures are giant Tacos who poop ice-cream. Unsurprisingly their look is chosen by Cartman.
Even more mind-blowing than their appearance is the fact that the Earth is just a reality show that these Aliens make. Upon finding out, the boys have to stop the series from being canceled. It’s an episode that’s equal parts goofy and compelling.
4 Season 3: Rainforest Shmainforest (8.5)

During season 3’s “Rainforest Shmainforest,” the boys are forced to help the environment. They do so by joining a choir that tries to save the rainforest through song and dance. It doesn’t go well, as they all end up getting lost in the place they’re trying to help.
The episode features some great satire about people who blindly join environmental groups. Equally funny is Cartman’s antics throughout, from asserting his authority over the wildlife to making unsavory comments about Costa Rica.
3 Season 24: The Pandemic Special (8.5)

As it is just a one-off special, it’s not entirely clear if this Pandemic episode is the premiere of season 24. But the Comedy Central site refers to it as one, so it counts. The episode revolves around the COVID19 Pandemic and how the town is reacting to it.
South Park is no stranger at turning real-world issues into storylines, and they excel at it in this one. Their social commentary on people’s differing behavior during the Pandemic is particularly well-done. And the creators’ work was rewarded as the special scored big ratings.
2 Season 11: With Apologies To Jesse Jackson (8.8)

Episodes like “With Apologies To Jesse Jackson” are why South Park is considered one of the best comedies of the 21st century. It includes two hilarious and very memorable storylines. One involves Randy being ostracized for saying the N-word on television. The other is about Cartman relentlessly making fun of a man with dwarfism.
Even by South Park standards, the episode is extremely controversial. But as often with the animated sitcom, the jokes are smart enough that it’s more humorous than offensive.
1 Season 8: Good Times With Weapons (9.2)

Throughout the 20+ seasons of South Park, there have been some amazing parody episodes. In “Good Times With Weapons,” the show expertly parodies various Japanese anime. It starts with the boys getting their hands on some dangerous Asian weapons. Then they go on an imaginary adventure where all four of them are powerful ninjas.
It’s during these imaginary scenes where the parody occurs. The art-style is changed to resemble more of a traditional anime, as do the characters’ expressions and fighting abilities. It’s all so wonderfully over the top, especially the hilarious music. The whole thing makes for a spectacular episode that ranks among the series best.

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