Militech is a prominent player in the events of Cyberpunk 2077. This massive global corporation has its hands in everything and is directly involved in the past of Johnny Silverhand and other major players in the main storyline.
With questionable ethics and a morally gray path forward, they are a major force to be reckoned with that can only be rivaled by the Arasaka megacorporation. Their weapons are used by everyone from Corpos to Nomads. Here are some things that the average player may not know regarding this monolithic titan of industry.
10 Was Run By A Former Member Of The Joint Chiefs

While the company was founded by Antonia Luccessi, it didn’t see major growth and success until it was headed by Donald Lundee. He was a former general of USMC, serving as a member of the Joint Chiefs.
He made the difficult decision to resign from the Marines after being disgusted with the bureaucracy and stagnation of the US military that led to the rejection of Militech’s superior weapon design. His disgust proved prophetic after lazy weapons production with established contracts led to the deaths of thousands of US soldiers in the Central American war. During this time, Lundee became CEO of Militech at Luccessi’s request.
9 Dominated Global Markets

When Militech failed to gain the US contract prior to the Central American War and Lundee became the CEO, the ex-Marine looked overseas. Militech quickly gained a reputation with various governments and organizations for producing cost-effective and reliable weaponry.
These efforts enabled Militech to gain the capital and connections necessary to become a more prominent player in the arms industry. When the US was looking to replace the failed SAP rifles with something more reliable, Militech was ready with the Ronin Light Assault Rifle.
8 Secured US Contract With The Ronin Light Assault Rifle

Militech easily won the US contract thanks to their Ronin Light Assault Rifle. It was lightweight, versatile, fired nearly 10 rounds a second, and was incredibly reliable on the battlefield. With this weapon, they easily won out the contract and began supplying US soldiers with a solid weapon.
This led to them also gaining a contract to supply the military with sidearms, heavy weapons, artillery, armored vehicles, aircraft, and other weapons of war. Militech rose to each challenge and exceeded expectations with quality reliable products at a reasonable price.
7 Used The Fourth Corporate War As Advertising

In 2021, when the Fourth Corporate war began between CINO and OTEC, Militech quickly became involved. OTEC hired them to provide security and Militech delivered above and beyond. They offered advisors, weapons, supplies, and even boots on the ground performing a variety of side jobs in addition to the terms of the contract.
For Militech, it was an opportunity to assist a company with common interests. But more importantly, it was a way to showcase their products to a global market. Unfortunately, it also caught the attention of the Arasaka corporation.
6 Saw Arasaka As A Global Threat

Arasaka was aligned with CINO in an attempt to further its own agenda. Saburo Arasaka sought to return Japan’s former glory and ideological standing during World War I. CEO Lundee considered the two companies at war and acted accordingly.
Militech became heavily involved in the Ocean War, going above and beyond the requirements of the contract with OTEC. In public, they competed with Arasaka for contracts and bids, and in the shadows, they sabotaged supply chains. Militech even carried out assassinations of key members of the company.
5 Militech Sponsored The Strike On Arasaka Towers

The most brutal attack against Arasaka by Militech was the nuclear strike on the Arasaka towers. Militech supplied Johnny Silverhand, Rogue, Spider, and Shaitan with everything from weapons to the nuclear bomb itself during their raid.
The company was very careful to hide any involvement, and their connection to the attack is known only to those directly involved. It was a devastating blow to Arasaka, but it had some negative consequences for Militech.
4 Nationalized By The US Government

Shocked by the brutal attack, and seeing the dangerous potential of the continuing conflict of Arasaka and Militech, the world’s governments intervened. Arasaka was reigned in by Japan and Militech was nationalized by the NUSA.
It effectively curbed their conflict and continued expansion, at least temporarily. It was a major setback for Militech and seriously hindered their efforts.
3 CEO Lundee Barely Held Onto Control

After being nationalized, many new faces appeared on Militech’s board and stock in the company quickly traded hands. Lundee found himself the CEO of a company where he was no longer the majority shareholder and outnumbered on the board.
In spite of this, he held onto control of the company and thwarted multiple efforts to remove him from power. Part of this was due to alliances he had formed locally and abroad. But perhaps the main contribution to his continued control was his undeniable success record as head of the company.
2 One Of The Largest Weapons Manufacturers

While nationalization was a setback to Militech’s original efforts of expansion and profit, it still resulted in them becoming the world’s largest weapons manufacturers. Militech had nearly limitless funding from the NUSA government.
Using their contracts and connections, Militech quickly established operations on every continent and nearly every nation on planet Earth. Even being handicapped by government oversight, Militech was still able to expand and dominate the global arms markets.
1 Seeks To Colonize Mars

During the events of the game, Militech is obsessed with establishing a colony on Mars. There are likely two reasons for this goal. The first is due to the looming collapse of the US economy. With the government taking on more and more debt, Militech might be worried that their funding will quickly disappear, so they sought to secure outside funding.
The other reason may be to establish a more independent presence on Mars. Separated from the NUSA, Militech would be able to operate on its own on Mars without government oversight or regulation. What Militech would seek to do after gaining independence from the NUSA government on Mars is unclear.

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