Rocket League: How To Progress To Diamond | Game Rant

After Epic Games bought Psyonix in 2020, the Rocket League community expanded to over a million concurrent players. Many players new to the game are still learning how to hit the ball and play as a team. After getting past gold III, beginners often have trouble getting over the platinum hump.

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The skill gap between gold and diamond is considerable, and players need to learn several tactics before they have a chance to progress. Rocket League has an incredible library of training modes, and players looking to improve should spend some time practicing in the Arena. Below are tactics and methods players should be using to progress to diamond 1.

Diamond players know how and when to rotate in 3v3 and 2v2. Every team should have an active rotation, with one player at the front tracking the ball. The remaining two players should be ready for a potential pass or clear. The player in the third position should be at the midline or back third to save long-shot attempts and block good clears. After the player in position one hits the ball, the player should continue to dribble, shoot, or pass. Once the player in position one executes a pass or shot, the player should rotate into position three and let the player in position two attempt a shot or pass. Teams should maintain the rotation pattern throughout the match. Players must play their role and press when they are in the first position in the rotation. Likewise, players in the third position must wait until they are in the second position to move up the pitch. The easiest way to get scored on is to have three players commit for one ball.

Rocket League players often judge the skill of the opposing team by how “quick” they are. As players progress up the platinum ranks, opposing teams will be quicker to every ball, especially in the air. Players need to learn how to perform the speed boost to keep up with better players. To get up in the air quickly, players should boost in between double jumps to get higher faster. Additionally, players need to find a happy medium between boosting all over the arena and being “quick” at the right times. By improving quickness and learning rotations, players will have a better chance against competent opponents.

recurring excuse for players that have trouble hitting the ball, faking is essential in higher-skilled matches. Opponents in platinum and diamond lobbies will anticipate dribbles, shots, and passes. To get past experienced opponents, players should keep the opponent guessing by hitting a ball later than expected, or passing instead of shooting. Players should get in the habit of mixing up their tactics, because champ lobbies will almost always block a team’s first few shots. Faking is a great method to buy time for teammates to rotate, and indispensable in ranked 2v2. Advanced players will also bump and demo opponents to get their teammates open looks at the goal. Players that are in position one can pass or shoot, then boost at the goalkeeper to throw off their timing or eliminate them entirely.

One of the most effective ways to make an impact on a game is to hit the ball as hard and as far as possible. Players that are still unsure of themselves in the air can score goals and set up their teammates with perfectly timed clears. The proper way to hit the ball farther is to wait until right after the ball touches the ground before hitting it. Rolling shots and passes should be cleared by driving straight into the ball, which will chip it high above opponents. Players also need to be comfortable hitting balls near the sidelines and be capable of boosting off of the walls.

Diamond players know that there are two passes players should never make, backward passes and clears into the middle of the field. Passing backward can work sometimes, but it is always a risky play if a teammate misses the pass or an opponent has good anticipation. Likewise, players should always clear balls up the sideline. Players that clear the ball straight into the corner instead of rolling it are essentially passing to the opposing team. A good pass minimizes the probability that the opposing team can get a shot off.

Players will have more success in Rocket League if they have teammates that are good communicators. Players should always indicate what position they are in and share any relevant information with the rest of the team. For example, players in the third position need to know if a shot is on goal to decide if they have time for a more controlled hit. Demoed players should let their teammates know that they will be out of the game for a few seconds. New players that do not have friends to play with should use game chat to relay information. Players that solo queue need to observe their teammates and change their playstyle accordingly. If the player notices that teammates are reckless, they should take a more conservative approach.

NEXT: Rocket League Frosty Fest 2020 Coming with New and Returning LTMs


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