Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame arrived in theaters back in 2019 as the biggest film ever for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only was it incredibly successful in terms of audience reception and box office, but it also stuck the landing on over a decade of buildup between the other MCU films. Audiences around the world went to see the film in theaters, making it one of the biggest launches of a film in history, and for some people, the emotional effect still lingers.
It’s hard to imagine now, but when Avengers: Infinity War came out many people were shocked by how it ended. Throughout the course of the movie, the Avengers try to stop a new villain, Thanos, from collecting the Infinity Stones, which he intended to use to wipe out half of all life in the universe. This plan serves as a plot to prevent overpopulation, which supposedly resulted in his own home-world falling into ruin.
However, instead of the usual Avengers story where the heroes finally team up, work together, and stop the bad guy, Thanos wins. He gets the Infinity Stones, he wins every fight with the heroes, and in the end, he uses his power to wipe out half of all life in the universe, including half of the Avengers.
At the time, this was quite a bold way to end the film, with audiences walking out of theaters only knowing for sure that the heroes had failed, and it would be a full year before they saw what happened next. So when Avengers: Endgame did finally come around, it was no surprise that the big return of every hero in the final moments got some people emotional, and still does to this day.
Recently, actor Simon Pegg posted to his Instagram story that he watched Avengers: Endgame again while on a plane ride and he couldn’t help shedding a few tears when the big reunion rolled around. Even a year and change out from the original release, the film is still resonating with people in a big way, and that’s no small feat.
Whatever one may think of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s hard to deny that the franchise has meant a great deal to a whole lot of people. It’s nice to know that big-budget blockbusters can still inspire such genuine emotions in those who watch them.
Avengers: Endgame is now available on Disney Plus.
Source: Simon Pegg/Instagram

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