Platinum Games has released another special code for their most recent release, The Wonderful 101: Remastered. These codes, called Wonder Codes, add special bonus characters into the game, with previous codes adding characters such as Bayonetta, Jeanne, and Rodin from the Bayonetta series. The final of these codes has been announced today, being the game’s director, Hideki Kamiya himself.
Hideki Kamiya is one of the most recognized Japanese game developers, known both for his critically acclaimed catalogue of games and for his hilariously blunt attitude on Twitter. Kamiya blocking Twitter users for minor things is a regular occurrence, so much so that being blocked by Kamiya was a backer reward for the Wonderful 101: Remastered Kickstarter campaign.
Players can unlock this character in their game by navigating to the Wonderful Code menu and inputting “PLATINUMFOREVER.” His unite morphs are called “Unite Goggles,” “Platinum Forever,” and “Wonderful Forever,” and his Custom Block is titled “Infinite Energy.” Seeing Kamiya pull of these attacks in-game will surely be a treat.

The Wonderful 101 is an action game involving a massive horde of superheroes uniting together to form giant weapons. While it isn’t as popular as Platinum’s other works, it still holds a special place in the hearts of fans. The Wonderful 101 Kickstarter campaign back in 2019 was an instant success, funding rereleases for Nintendo Switch, PC, and PlayStation 4.
As the tongue-in-cheek attack names show, the silliness of an actual human appearing in this action game is not lost on the developers. With Hideki Kamiya now playable, enemies will quite literally need to block attacks from the director. As this is the final Wonder Code, it really is the perfect conclusion to the Wonderful 101 saga.
The Wonderful 101: Remastered is now available on Nintendo Switch, PC, and PlayStation 4.
SOURCE: The Wonderful 101: Remastered

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