What Ice-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? | Game Rant

Throughout the Pokémon game series, Ice has been one of the most polarizing types among players. Some are put off by their fragility and low defense, which can make them hard to battle with. However, when used strategically, Ice-types can prove to be powerful attackers and invaluable team members.

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Despite being the rarest of all types, Ice-type Pokémon vary widely in terms of design, battle style, and personality. They range from solitary mountain dwellers, to jovial performers, to energetic fighters. To illustrate just how diverse this type can be, here’s a list of Ice-type Pokémon that best fit each of the twelve astrological signs.

12 Aries: Beartic

Many Ice-type Pokémon are reclusive or distant. Beartic, however, challenges this stereotype with a fierce personality. Like the sign of the ram, it doesn’t let adversity get it down. Beartic creates its own pathways across the water by freezing its own breath.

Just like Aries enjoys sports and physical challenges, Beartic is incredibly useful as an offensive team member. Its high Attack stat makes it a great choice if the player wants to come rushing into battle headfirst—just like this sign loves to do.

11 Taurus: Mamoswine

Patient and enduring, Mamoswine shares many key qualities with Taurus. Said to be a ten-thousand-year-old species, it shares the sign of the bull’s persistence through trials and tribulations—like the harsh cold and hunger it endured while frozen in ice.

Tauruses are caring, reliable, and diligent. Like this sign, Mamoswine doesn’t shy away from hard work, and will always stand up to protect its trainer or its loved ones. Their steadfast nature and occasional stubbornness represents Taurus to the letter.

10 Gemini: Vanilluxe

This two-headed Pokémon can’t help but evoke the sign of the twin. Its Pokédex entries allude to each head having a literal mind of its own, embodying the dual nature of a Gemini. Its heads sometimes disagree, leading to the high-strung quality this sign sometimes shows.

However, when its heads do agree, Vanilluxe can unleash powerful blizzards. Similarly, a passionate Gemini is a force to be reckoned with. Despite their tendency towards a quick temper, this Pokémon is widely popular—just as Geminis are surrounded by friends.

9 Cancer: Delibird

This Gen II Pokémon carries bundles of food wherever it goes, rolled up in its icy tail. Throughout the Pokémon world, Delibird is renowned for sharing its stashes with lost or weary travelers. This giving, altruistic nature is similar to that of the Cancer sign.

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The sign of the crab dedicates itself to helping others, as Delibird does. However, Cancers can also be moody. Similarly, if Delibird is angered, that same generous gift of food becomes a weapon to hurl at its foes.

8 Leo: Mr. Rime

Leos are happiest when they are performing, with the spotlight shining on them. A skilled tap dancer, Mr. Rime has a similar love of attention and applause. The people of the Galar region love to watch this Pokémon perform, and it has gained a dedicated following because of its talent and charisma.

This supportive, generous sign loves helping others become their best selves. In this vein, Mr. Rime has influenced the Mime Jr. of Galar to take up dancing as well, fulfilling the leadership role in which Leos thrive.

7 Virgo: Lapras

Known for ferrying humans across large bodies of water, this Pokémon’s generous and reliable nature is similar to that of Virgo. Lapras is unconditionally giving and hardworking, happy to provide service and expecting nothing in return. With their kindness and desire to help others, Virgos can sometimes be pushovers—just as Lapras’ tame nature has made it a target for hunters in the past.

Additionally, Lapras’ intelligence is well documented, as it understands human speech. Virgos are similarly intelligent, loving to expand their minds and learn new things.

6 Libra: Eiscue

Those born under the sign of the scales are laid-back, and do not let everyday minutia bog them down. Similarly, Eiscue never seems to grow stressed or worried. Like a Libra, this Gen VIII Pokémon is highly adaptable, willing and often eager to change with its situation.

If the ice surrounding its head shatters, Eiscue simply goes on to create new ice. This is symbolic of another Libra strength: when they face adversity, they overcome and move on rather than dwelling on misfortune.

5 Scorpio: Froslass

Said to hunt by luring handsome men into blizzards, Froslass’ dangerous allure is similar to the natural magnetism of a Scorpio. Like this sign, it is intelligent and secretive. It can also be possessive, said to display its frozen prey in its home.

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Scorpios are drawn to all things dark and mysterious. Froslass’ origin story tells of a woman lost in the mountains, whose restless spirit and bitter regrets possessed an icicle. This story of a vengeful ghost fits perfectly with this sign’s intense, often unforgiving nature.

4 Sagittarius: Sealeo

Fun-loving, playful Sealeo has a lot in common with this sign. Like Sagittarius, this Pokémon loves to find new ways to entertain itself, whether by spinning objects on its nose or by juggling Spheals. In line with this sign’s adventurous spirit, Sealeo loves to dive and swim.

Just as Sagittarians are curious by nature, Sealeo is inquisitive and likes to examine new people, places, and items. By rolling and spinning unfamiliar objects on its nose, it learns everything it can about its shape, texture, and smell.

3 Capricorn: Abomasnow

Despite its power and fearsome appearance, Abomasnow prefers a quiet life of solitude. Capricorns are also reclusive, sticking with close family and friends. They are family-oriented and protective of loved ones, just as Abomasnow protects and guards young Snover.

Because of their stoic, hardworking nature, the sign of the goat can come across as intimidating. Similarly, some in the Pokémon world see Abomasnow as a monster. Yet, if a trainer can gain its trust, Abomasnow becomes a loyal and reliable friend, just like a Capricorn.

2 Aquarius: Alolan Ninetails

Those under this sign tend to be unique, not constrained by the status quo. As a regional variant, Alolan Ninetails exemplifies this originality. Once worshipped as a deity, this Pokémon possesses the same ethereal, otherworldly quality that Aquarians tend to have.

Always marching to their own beat, this sign dislikes rules and order. Alolan Ninetails are also independent; yet, also like Aquarians, they have a compassionate side. This Pokémon will guide any lost travelers to safety, displaying this sign’s humanitarian qualities.

1 Pisces: Jynx

As a singer and dancer, Jynx illustrates the artistic nature of this sign. With its captivating moves and hauntingly beautiful voice, it motivates others to dance along with it. This creative, inspirational quality is one of Pisces’ most defining traits.

Additionally, Pisces is a very spiritual and sensitive sign, with an almost psychic intuition. They can occasionally be deceptive, out of a desire not to hurt others. Jynx, having a secondary Psychic typing, echoes this idea with its ability to sense psychic energy and create various illusions.

NEXT: Top 10 Starter Pokemon


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