After the disappointing performance of the Wii U, it was clear that Nintendo needed to hit the ground running with the Nintendo Switch. This entailed having a good launch lineup that would compel people to purchase the console, and Nintendo definitely managed to knock it out of the park in this regard with the release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
After numerous delays, the latest Zelda title ended up blowing everyone out of the water when it was released — something that was very much required given the numerous delays the title had faced. Link’s latest adventures in the world of Hyrule ended up being revolutionary when it came to revamping the open-world formula and allowing people to enjoy what is easily one of the most innovative open-world games ever made.
For people who wish to get into this sublime title, here are ten common mistakes that most people make — and one should avoid — in Breath of the Wild.
10 Trying To Fight Lynels Early On

Taking on a Lynel is easily one of the hardest challenges in Breath of the Wild, given the fact that they’re one of the hardest normal enemies to fight in the game.
Trying to fell one of these foes early on when Link can barely take a few blows from a Bokoblin is not recommended in the slightest, and will definitely send the player to the Game Over screen in record time.
9 Barely Saving Up On Arrows

Ranged combat is definitely one of the best and easiest ways to dispatch most foes in Breath of the Wild… but keep in mind that arrows aren’t as plentiful in the game as one might’ve been led to believe.
This applies even more for special arrows, with some of the elemental arrows being critical in certain shrines and the like when it comes to achieving a solution in a simpler and faster manner.
8 Saving The Best Equipment For Later

The integration of weapon durability in Breath of the Wild was mainly done to encourage experimentation with different weapons and not have players stick to the same powerful weapon over and over again.
Given the fact that Link will get powerful weapons over time as he progresses in the game, it would be wise of the player to not hoard weapons and shields but freely use them in battle without a care in the world.
7 Picking Up Every Weapon Possible

The player should be wary of the fact that not all weapons in Breath of the Wild are worth picking up, especially after a point in the game when the scaled weapons themselves are way better than anything else that the player might get in their travels.
The arms dropped by the skeleton enemies are a great example of this — while fairly useful early on, these weapons end up being nothing more than a nuisance as Link ends up finding better (and definitely more durable) weapons over time.
6 Not Using Runes In Battle

The runes that Link uses in Breath of the Wild aren’t just used for solving puzzles — they can also help out in a pinch during combat as well.
Magnesis can be used to manipulate objects and disarm enemies with metallic weapons. Meanwhile, upgrading the Statis rune can even allow the play to freeze enemies in their tracks as well, which can definitely allow for some breathing room while simultaneously allowing for a few extra hits as well.
5 Wearing Metal Equipment In A Thunderstorm

The world of Breath of the Wild is a very reactive one, and this can certainly lead to a ton of interesting interactions between the elements of Hyrule’s world. However, not all of these interactions are beneficial… in fact, some of them can prove to be quite painful indeed.
Players who want a great example of a detrimental reaction need to just equip a metallic weapon or shield and wait in a thunderstorm for a while, before a giant bolt of lightning shoots them down in one of the most shocking moments in the game… quite literally.
4 Ignoring The Beams Of Light At Night

Star fragments are one of the rarest items that one can find in Breath of the Wild, so the player should jump on every opportunity possible to get these highly valuable items in the game.
That being said, one has to keep in mind that most of these fragments can only be found sometimes at night. A beam of light will be the only indication during this time, and players need to be wary and go to these points of interest as soon as possible in order to obtain the star fragments.
3 Trying To Take On The Enemies In The Yiga Clan Hideout

The Yiga Clan Hideout serves as a rather important area that the player must get through during the quest to free Vah Naboris… but doing so is easier said than done.
Players are pretty much forced into going through this entire area in a stealthy manner, and trying to take on these enemies ends up being an exercise in futility since a single hit from the Blademaster will one-shot Link with zero hope of revival.
2 Heading To Hyrule Castle From The Get-Go

After getting the glider and flying off of the Great Plateau, the player might be tempted to go all the way to Hyrule Castle and take on Ganon. However, doing so will be nothing more than a complete waste of time.
The path to Hyrule Castle is full of Guardian Stalkers, Skywatchers, and everything else along the same lines. So, it goes without saying that any person who wishes to tackle Hyrule Castle should only do so after due consideration and preparation.
1 Not Liberating All The Divine Beasts Before Fighting Ganon

The final fight with Calamity Ganon is extremely challenging… but players who ignored some or all of the Divine Beast questlines will be particularly frustrated due to the mechanics of this fight.
Without the help of the Divine Beasts, Link will have to face Calamity Ganon at full strength. What makes this even worse is the fact that each of the Blights that Link never faced up until now will appear one by one before the ultimate fight with Ganon.

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