In the Fallout series, the games have ending slides to explain what happened to the game’s world. The endings – except in Fallout 4 – are narrated by a familiar voice and act as an epilogue. Choices made by the player can cause different outcomes to the game, such as a faction dying off or a certain character completing a goal.
Companions are also given special endings, letting players know what occurs after the game finishes. While players might not know it, completing certain actions or failing certain perk events can change the outcome of the Mojave Wasteland. The player’s actions can either better the Mojave or make it worse.
10 Novac Gets Attacked By Ghouls

As players make their way from Goodsprings to New Vegas, they will run across a town called Novac. The locals might tell the Courier about an area near town full of Ghouls. Being told about this area will start a quest called “Come Fly With Me”.
Players can either head to the REPCONN testing site, or they can continue on the way to New Vegas. Choosing not to complete this quest will cause trouble for the town of Novac. In fact, The Legion will attack the town, killing many citizens. Ghouls from the testing site will head to the town afterward, killing off the remaining defenders.
9 The Fiends Wiped Out

The Fiends are a group of raiders found around New Vegas. By talking to Major Dharti at Camp McCarran, players can get a quest to kill three leaders of the Fiends which include Cook-Cook, Driver Nephi, and Violet. This might seem like enough, but there is another Fiend players have to kill to get this ending.
Going to Vault 3 will reveal the vault to be a Fiend headquarters. At the end of the vault is a man named Motor-Runner, who is the true leader of the Fiends. As the ending slide says, killing these four will cause the remaining Fiends to become unorganized and easy targets.
8 Arcade Commits Suicide

When players first get to Freeside, they might go into the Old Mormon Fort. They can meet Arcade Gannon and start to use him as a companion. If the player is sided with The Legion, Arcade can be sold into slavery as Caesar’s personal doctor.
Arcade will heal Caesar’s brain tumor, meaning Caesar will still be leader when the game ends. Arcade will become Caesar’s personal doctor for years after the game, committing suicide when he was unguarded. Being the only doctor in The Legion, Arcade will die.
7 Goodsprings Becomes Abandoned

Goodsprings is the first place the player explores in the game. They meet many locals who and can give them quests to complete. The settlement also serves as a good place to sell items and use as a safe haven. However, the player can decide to kill everyone in the town.
Killing the citizens or completing the quest “Run Goodsprings Run” will cause the town to become abandoned. The ending slide says that no one would dare venture into Goodsprings. The only reason people visit the town is to see the grave the Courier was buried in.
6 Boone Gets Revenge

As the player travels the Mojave Wasteland with Boone, certain events will cause Boone to open up to the them. These events can range from rescuing NCR hostages to killing Caesar. A quest titled “I Forgot to Remember to Forget” will be triggered, requiring the player to talk to Boone about the Bitter Springs Massacre.
Traveling to Bitter Springs will have The Legion attack, with the objective of the quest being to defend the camp. After the attack, the player will have two options when speaking to Boone. Picking ‘This is war and people die’ will cause Boone to become bloodthirsty, and this ending will be achieved. In it, Boone kills Captain Gilles and possibly himself.
5 Primm Joins The NCR

As players travel through Primm, they will realize the town is being attacked. The residents are cowering in a casino, only coming out after the attackers are dead. The townsfolk will ask the player to find a new sheriff for them. Asking the NCR to protect the town will cause Primm to join the faction.
With the NCR’s protection, Primm ultimately prospers. It becomes a major stop on the Long 15 and becomes better protected. It is revealed the town is subject to NCR taxes, but it seems worth it for the prosperity.
4 Powder Gangers Surrender To NCR

Before the beginning of the game, the convicts of the NCRCF escaped from prison. A few stayed at the prison, while others wandered off to Vault 19. By only destroying the sulfur pits in the vault, players can convince the leader, Samuel Cooke, to surrender to the NCR.
The Powder Gangers of Vault 19 will be arrested again, having their sentences increased. Between prison or being executed, this isn’t a bad deal.
3 Enclave Remnants Intimidate Caesar

The Enclave Remnants can be used to fight at the Battle of Hoover Dam. Players siding with The Legion can use the Remnants’ hatred of the NCR in the battle. However, siding with The Legion will cause Arcade and Cannibal Johnson to leave and never return.
The Remnants is said to have scared the centurions for their merciless attack on the NCR. If Caesar is still alive, he will refuse to hunt down the group. It can be assumed the Remnants lived the rest of their lives away from attention.
2 Jacobstown Becomes A Safe Haven

To cure the Nightkin’s schizophrenia, players can pass speech checks in a quest or encourage Doctor Henry to continue tests on Lily. While on the quest “Guess Who I Saw Today”, players will need to pass a speech check on Keene and pass a science check on Doctor Henry.
The speech check will require the player to have 80 skill, while the science check will require 90. This will cure the Nightkin, with the ending slide saying Jacobstown will become a haven for super mutants in the wasteland.
1 Boomers Start To Leave Nellis

When players are preparing for the Battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR will ask the Courier to make contact with the Boomers. Surviving their defensive attack will cause the player to gain their favor. The end goal of the Boomers is to raise a B-17 from Lake Meade, with the Courier helping them achieve this.
Raising the B-17 causes the Boomers to assist the NCR in the battle. Afterward, the Gun Runners will help the NCR trade with the Boomers. This relationship causes Boomers to wander into the wasteland again, but disallows anyone into Nellis.

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