Players who go through their guns in Cyberpunk 2077 might start to get flashbacks of Borderlands. There are more than just a couple of options here, there are thousands. Fans who commit to only the best weapons will still be spoiled for choices as the list of iconic weapons is rather extensive. Yet there is one gun that is more unique than every other unique weapon. And it’s got a story to tell in a very literal sense.
Sometimes gamers think that they’ve possibly used Skippy and are worried they discarded it on accident without understanding its value. This is absolutely impossible. Skippy is not only memorable for combat ability, but for dialogue interactions and quest ramifications. Those who love pistols are likely to love Skippy and will probably want to keep it forever, though some moral implications come with such a decision.
10 Location

Though other side jobs might be better because of the story and characters involved, it’s hard to imagine a side quest with a better reward. Head over to Vista Del Rey, Heywood, and look for a side gig by College Street.
There is a body that is the actual quest objective, but look to the right of the poor soul. On the ground, find Skippy. Equip the weapon immediately because there is more to this pistol than meets the eye.
9 It’s Alive!

There is much to uncover about Militech and they deserve credit for developing quite a few of the game’s best pieces of weaponry, but nothing they’ve ever done touches on what Skippy is capable of. It’s a gun that talks to the user, how wild is that?
Yes, Skippy is alive and will make comments during and outside of combat. This is not some kind of virtual interface, Skippy is an actual AI and will sometimes express opinions and ideas of its own. So if robotic life gives users anxiety, maybe it’s best to try another gun out.
8 Programming Options

This is critically important and it is the number one thing that people mess up when using Skippy. When first picking up the gun, select “Puppy-Loving Pacifist sounds better.” It’s obviously worse, but there’s a huge catch.
After fifty kills, Skippy will automatically try to change settings. Select “I Don’t Know” when the option is presented. This will make it so that, after fifty takedowns, Skippy will do automatic headshots for the rest of its life. This is just one of many fun facts about the world of Cyberpunk 2077.
7 Quest Issues

Eventually, Skippy will detect the old user and ask if V would like to return it. If the player is bent on keeping Skippy around, this quest must be rejected outright. Even accepting the quest with the intent not to turn it in removes Skippy from the player’s weapon inventory.
And this is a real blow because of every iconic pistol in the game, none of them are as special and unique as Skippy. Regina will give $7000, but that’s nowhere close to the eddies that Skippy commands in combat or as a companion.
6 Automatic Scaling

Skippy automatically upgrades itself to match V’s level. So the higher V is, the more damage Skippy will do. This is a ridiculous trait and even after examining every single iconic weapon the game has to offer, none have a perk like this.
The real advantage here is that the player doesn’t have to take the necessary crafting perks to keep a weapon up to date. It gives players a gun that is maxed out for the entire game without the drawback of leveling V up in an undesirable way.
5 Mod Slots

Skippy has two mod slots. This might seem like very few compared to some other iconic pistols and might make users give up on ranged weapons entirely and try out one of the iconic melee weapons that have more modification slots.
But remember that this gun automatically hits in the head, so there is no need for a scope slot. And there’s a mod that adds to headshot damage. So throw on two of those bad boys and this gun’s damage, which is already substantial, moves to outrageous territory.
4 Smarter Weapon

Smart weapons have a way of slightly bending in order to hit the target. Technically, Skippy is such a weapon. But Skippy is even smarter than that, and it’s not just the artificial intelligence that makes it so much more than just smart.
Go ahead and listen to the advertisements on the amazing radio stations, V can never find a weapon that can hit enemies from around walls and through barriers. Skippy will fire at anything in the target area and the bullets will often go on a borderline magic trajectory to hit their targets.
3 Connection To Rihanna

Skippy often has loading times and waiting times, during which it will mumble a tune. Recognize it? While Night City might reveal that several generational comforts are gone, it looks like at least one hit song remains popular.
Skippy is singing “Disturbia” by Rihanna. And while it never gets around to the main chorus, it’s entertaining to hear even the background melody sung while on hold with a gun. At least it’s got a good taste in jams!
2 Base Model Implications

Arasaka is up to all kinds of mysterious shenanigans during V’s adventures, so it should come as no surprise that Skippy, an AI version 0.01 alpha prototype, is made by this manufacturer.
This is the problem will messing around with dangerous tech, it sometimes comes back to bite the inventors. Regina Jones used it against Arasaka. The thief finds it and uses it against Arasaka while he was alive. And then V finds it and, at the player’s discretion, uses it against Arasaka once again.
1 The Best In The Game

Skippy is widely considered the best gun in the game by the fans. Some occasional players make a pitch for the Overwatch sniper rifle or the Projectile Launch System cyberware. But in terms of community standing, Skippy is supreme.
This has huge implications. Given so many different ways to level up, maybe it’s best to build around Skippy and maximize damage that way. Or maybe just wave it out of the side of the car and show it off to your friends.

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