There are many games out there that people will argue are still worth the price they released at. Others will say that they won’t pay for a game until it goes on sale. There is no doubt that gamers will always look for a deal.
They will wait for Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo to release their winter sales. PC gamers will stick to Steam and wait for the yearly winter and summer sales. Even though many games deserve a good sale price, there are some that released over the years that are still worth the original price.
10 Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda is one of gaming’s most recognizable franchises. Almost every gamer has a favorite Zelda game that holds a special place in their heart. Breath of the Wild was perhaps Nintendo’s biggest undertaking with the legendary franchise that brought the whole series to a new level. Many will argue that fresh imagining of the series is still worth the $60 price tag due to the huge amount of content. Players get an entire open world, a large story, and plenty of secrets to discover within the game. What doesn’t make this game worth the price?
9 Horizon: Zero Dawn

Released shortly before Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn was a fresh IP for Guerrilla Games that brought to life massive robotic dinosaurs and a futuristic world lost to the rise of technology. Everything about this game was worth the initial price from the large list of sidequests, in-depth story, and magnificent combat system. Since the release, the price has been dropped to a measly $20 on the Playstation store. That price is more than worth it considering it comes with the DLC. PC players can buy the game and DLC as well for a modest $50.
8 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim released way back in 2011 and has since been on multiple platforms from the Xbox 360 and PS3 to the Xbox One and PS4. Players can buy it on PC and Nintendo Switch as well. The game released at a $60 price point, but fans of the series will surely defend that price for those looking for a sale. The game now costs $40 if players buy it from Playstation or Microsoft stores. The size of this game for the time is still amazing to this day. Players can easily put over one hundred hours into the game.
7 Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV brought a new breath to the Final Fantasy series. Many players enjoyed the new combat system and full open world. This game offers hours upon hours of gameplay for those who wish to embark on Noctis’s journey.
There are many secrets to be found and an engaging story. The royal edition will now cost players anywhere from $20 to $35 depending on where they buy it. This version of the game comes with all of the DLC which makes it especially worth the price.
6 Grand Theft Auto V

Like Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto V has spanned multiple console generations and is set to come to the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Everything about this game is still worth the original price. The story is great with tons of secrets and missions that players will be occupied with for hours. Even the online mode is worth the extra cash with so many features that it will make any gamer’s head spin. Nowadays, players can buy GTA V for a sale price every other week, so it won’t be hard to get it at a great price.
5 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. is another Nintendo franchise that has stood the test of time. The newest game of the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, is the largest game in the series with over seventy fighters and counting. Gamers can waste hours playing the campaign and unlocking all of the fighters. They can make their own courses, challenge friends, and even compete in competitions. This is one of those games that doesn’t get old quickly and will keep players interested for a long time.
4 Borderlands 3

The Borderlands series is a crowning achievement for Gearbox. From the beginning, players were enticed by the billions of guns the game was known for. Borderlands 3 delivers on the guns, mayhem, and more. The new campaign has tons of side missions, unlockables, and depth. The characters each have their own skill trees to mix and match how players choose, and gamers can now visit multiple planets if Pandora isn’t enough for them. $60 is a fair price for the game and players even get free raids and events to participate in.
3 The Witcher 3

The Witcher series is one that has been beloved by fans since the first one released back in 2007. The latest game in the series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt put players back in the shoes of Geralt as he tracks down the child of prophecy.
The average playthrough of this game takes between 60-80 hours. That is a lot of game on such a small disk. It is worth every penny for players at the original price. When the gameplay hours are factored in, each hour of game time is worth, at most, a dollar. That doesn’t even include the DLC.
2 Fallout 4

Bethesda has a way of making great games that are worth the price people pay. Fallout 4 is another one of their games that players can spend hours playing only side missions. Of course, the campaign can take at least 30 hours, but if the side missions are included, that can easily go up to over 100 hours. There is always so much to discover in Bethesda games that there is no doubt they are worth the launch price. Players can now buy Fallout 4 for $30 which is a steal.
1 Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is perhaps one of the longest games created in the last decade. A standard run of the game will take players over 60 hours to complete. Those who want to do all the side missions will end up playing for at least another 40 or 50 hours. There are also tons of puzzles that could soak up even more time with trying to figure it out if players don’t look up the answers. There is no doubt that this game is worth the launch price, but players can easily get it on sale as well for around $20.

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