For some reason, a lot of trainers think Ice-type Pokémon are weak. We’re pretty sure gym leaders like Pryce, Candice, Brycen, Wulfric, and Melony would disagree! With Lorelei and Glacia also managing to have ice-based Elite Four teams, there has to be something to these icy pocket monsters.
Still, not all Pokémon are created equal. Some Ice types are strong and well-beloved by fans while others are often left out in the cold. We’d promise to lay off the ice puns, but we’re pretty sure that’s impossible.
18 Bergmite

The most standout moment for Bergmite ever was when five of them greeted trainers visiting Snowbelle Gym in the anime. That’s about it! We’re not trying to hate on this little frozen friend but it’s not very useful in battle, comes with very “meh” abilities, and it’s one of those Pokémon trainers will evolve as soon as possible
17 Vanillish

We would order a Vanillish from Baskin-Robbins! In all seriousness, this Pokémon has been used by famed trainers like Dr. Ferrara and Brycen and according to the Pokédex they have been around since the first ice-age. It’s not a bad Ice-type, it’s just not that stand-out compared to its cuter pre-evolution.
16 Vanillite

People seem to have a problem with Pokémon based on real-life objects and we can’t understand it. Just look at how adorable Vanillite is! Trainers like Trip and Teaque have used this ice-cream cutie to achieve victory in multiple important battles. It may resemble a Casteliacone but don’t try to eat it.
15 Castform: Snowy Form

Castform really doesn’t get the credit it deserves. It was an incredibly creative way to show off the new weather-based mechanics that came with Generation III. Weather Ball as a unique move is incredibly cool! Its snowy form is particularly adorable and this cumulonimbus critter is an obscure pure Ice-type, one we wished had gotten a Gigantimax form.
14 Cubchoo

Don’t judge Cubchoo by its runny nose alone! This adorkable Pokémon is a serious fan favorite, even being featured in its own anime episode called The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo. It’s so popular that a special Cubchoo was even distributed online in Japan back in 2010. It might not be fierce in battle but that’s not the only important part of a Pokémon.
13 Cryogonal

Cryogonal isn’t a major powerhouse in the video game, but it’s a part of a unique deck in the Pokémon TCG. The Cryoganal from Unified Minds can be paired with Dustox to keep opponents from being able to retreat their Pokémon from the field with its unique attack while Dustox keeps them paralyzed and poisoned. It’s delightfully devilish!
12 Eiscue

Eiscue is a curious Pokémon. Its signature ability, Ice Face, is where this Pokémon shines. When Eiscue is in its Ice Face form, it won’t take damage from physical attacks. Once hit, it turns into its Noice Face form, but the Ice Face form can be restored by setting up a hailstorm.
It’s one of three penguin Pokémon along with Piplup and Prinplup but is far goofier than either of them. Melony has an Eiscue on her own team and if a gym leader says it’s good, who are we to argue?
11 Snorunt

Ash’s Snorunt was a giggly trickster in the anime and many fans fell in love instantly. Becoming his friend after stealing all of his badges, he was a fierce battler all the way until he evolved. Snorunt might not be a powerhouse in the games, but it won the battle of stealing our hearts.
10 Galarian Darumaka

With Pokémon Sword & Shield came new Pokémon in the Galar region and Darumaka got a frosty new look. This delightfully adorable Ice type isn’t just cute — it’s a pint-sized powerhouse. It has one of the highest attack stats in all of Little Cup and combining it with Hustle and a Choice Scarf will demolish almost anything it faces.
9 Vanilluxe

The entire Vanilluxe evolutionary line was developed by James Turner, a Game Freak employee who is the first Westerner to ever design a Pokémon. It stands out for its unique but tasty looking design. It’s used by top trainers like Georgia and Alder to great effect. It’s just the perfect example of a unique Ice type that stands out in the Pokémon world.
8 Beartic

Brycen is an expert on Ice-types so if Beartic is on his team, it’s obviously good, right? Even if that wasn’t enough, Georgia’s Beartic had such explosive battles against Iris that it’s hard to not fall in love with this extremely polar bear. Even though it’s supposed to be ice cold, is it weird we want to snuggle with it?
7 Glalie

Glalie is what would happen if a demon was fused with a hailstone. It looks intimidating as heck and Ash’s was an important part of his time competing at the Ever Grande Conference. It became even more powerful when it received a Mega Evolution. It’s never been able to break into being strong enough for full-on competitive play but anyone that comes unprepared can find their team suddenly swept through.
6 Avalugg

Wulfric’s Avalugg defeated Ash’s Hawlucha, Greninja, and even his Talonflame. If that doesn’t explain how much of a powerhouse it is, we have no idea what will. It has the highest base Defense stat of all Ice-types and with the ability Sturdy, there’s no way it goes down without several hits. This is just the tip of the iceberg (get it?) for this Pokémon as it’s been viable in various 1-vs-1 competitive formats.
5 Regice

Regice was one of the four Legendary Titans and it’s said to surround itself with air as cold as -328 degrees Fahrenheit, and it can somehow survive being submerged in molten lava. It has the highest base Special Defense stat of all Legendary Pokémon showing it can take a serious hit.
Brandon’s Regice was an exciting part of the anime and was caught just before his final showdown with Ash. He showed just how strong it is in battle and made the titan look fantastic to many fans of the series.
4 Alolan Vulpix

Vulpix has always been a fan favorite, so when an Ice-type version was announced people went wild. Seriously, it even got a Build-a-Bear adaptation. Alolan Vulpix plushies are still some of the highest selling items from the Pokémon Center. It might not be the strongest on this list, but it is likely the cutest by far.
3 Glastrier

This icy version of a destrier is one of the newest legendary Pokémon to join the fray from the Crown Tundra DLC. Using the Reing of Unity, it can be fused with Calyrex to become Ice Rider Calyrex, but it’s still strong on its own. We don’t want to spoil too much of the story of Crown Tundra, so go play it to see just how epic Glastrier can be.
2 Galarian Darmanitan

No one expected that Galar would bring about one of the most powerful Ice-types of all time. Some players have even suggested it might be the most powerful new Pokémon in the latest generation. The major reason behind this comes from its ability Zen Mode. It turns Galarian Darmanitan into a flaming snowman, the game’s first Fire / Ice type combination. It’s incredibly powerful in competitive play and can dominate the battlefield casually.
1 Glaceon

Eeveelutions are some of the most popular of all Pokémon so there’s so surprise it’s among the best pure Ice types. While the way to evolve Eevee into a Glaceon has changed, tons of players still go out of their way to make sure to have one. It’s gorgeous, strong in battle, and by far one of the most elegant of all Pokémon.

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